Panel members

Panel members play a vital role in the ERC’s evaluation of grant proposals. They are top scientists and scholars coming from all over the world to help ERC select the best project proposals. The ERC's peer review ensures a comprehensive and robust assessment of research proposals. It is organised in three research domains and, currently, in 28 panels.

This webpage provides information about the panel members who took part in the completed ERC grant competitions, and about panel chairs, both past and currently serving.

Note to applicants:
This information is given for reasons of transparency. Applicants, potential applicants, or potential host institutions must not contact reviewers. If they do so before the publication of the list of panel members and communication of the results, the applications will be rejected on the grounds of a breach of research integrity.


Showing results 151 - 200 of 6584
Review panelFunding schemesReview panel member name2025202420232022202120202019201820172016
LS1 AdG Felix Goñi
LS1 AdG Vassilios Gorgoulis
LS1 AdG Vassilis Gorgoulis
LS1 AdG Christian Griesinger
LS1 AdG Athanassios Dimitrios Halazonetis
LS1 AdG Thanos Halazonetis
LS1 AdG Albert J.R. Heck
LS1 AdG Florian Hollfelder
LS1 AdG Karl-Peter Hopfner
LS1 AdG Elina Ikonen
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LS1 AdG Penny A. Jeggo
LS1 AdG Roland Kanaar
LS1 AdG Magda Konarska
LS1 AdG Anders Liljas
LS1 AdG David Lilley
LS1 AdG Claudio Luchinat
LS1 AdG Reinhard Luhrmann
LS1 AdG Johanna Myllyharju
LS1 AdG Martin Noble
LS1 AdG Annalisa Pastore
LS1 AdG Simona Polo
LS1 AdG Nicholas J. Proudfoot
LS1 AdG Graça Raposo
LS1 AdG Emma Raven
LS1 AdG Daniela Rhodes
LS1 AdG Daniela Rotin
LS1 AdG Pauline Rudd
LS1 AdG David Rueda
LS1 AdG Mark Sansom
LS1 AdG Michael Sattler
LS1 AdG Tilman Schirmer
LS1 AdG Frances Separovic
LS1 AdG Roberto Sitia
LS1 AdG Natalie Strynadka
LS1 AdG Joel Sussman
LS1 AdG Robert Tampe
LS1 AdG Dimitris Thanos
LS1 AdG Richard Treisman
LS1 AdG Michelle Wang
LS1 AdG Pernilla Wittung-Stafshede
LS1 AdG Shoshana J. Wodak
LS1 AdG Boris D. Zhivotovsky
LS1 AdG Boris Zhivotovsky
LS1 CoG Gregers Rom Andersen
LS1 CoG Judith Armitage
LS1 CoG Caroline Austin
LS1 CoG Madan Babu
LS1 CoG Marc Baldus
LS1 CoG Marc Helmut Baldus