All magazine articles

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  • Cover image of How the pandemic shaped the research environment

    How the pandemic shaped the research environment

    A perspective from Dr Mostafa Moonir Shawrav, Chair of the association for alumni of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) programme, the European Union’s flagship fund for doctoral education and postdoctoral training of researchers. Members of…
  • Cover image of Tackling Covid-19 – the role of European research

    Tackling Covid-19 – the role of European research

  • Cover image of The effects of the pandemic

    The effects of the pandemic

    Two years after the COVID-19 pandemic abruptly changed the way we live and work, it is timely to reflect on its impact on the world of research, how we adapted and coped, and what we have learnt. That’s what this issue of the ERC Magazine is about…
  • Cover image of Frontier research at the service of the coronavirus epidemic response

    Frontier research at the service of the coronavirus epidemic response

    How can frontier science help fight the current COVID-19 outbreak? To find out, we talked to a range of ERC grantees who are working in the fields of molecular biology, virology, immunology, epidemiology, and network science. As it turns out, much…
  • Cover image of Des excuses non sollicitées pour la recherche qui n’a rien à voir avec le COVID-19

    Des excuses non sollicitées pour la recherche qui n’a rien à voir avec le COVID-19

    Aujourd'hui, nous donnons la parole à Liuba Papeo, une neuropsychologue cognitive financée par l'ERC. À première vue, ses recherches ne sont pas liées à la crise actuelle du coronavirus. Mais, comme elle l'explique dans ce témoignage très personnel,…
  • Cover image of ERC researchers explore lockdown life

    ERC researchers explore lockdown life

    Stuck at home? Yes…we are too. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has forced more than a billion people to stay indoors and socially distance themselves, and the ERC is no exception. To help us all keep motivated, healthy and in good spirits, we asked ERC…
  • Cover image of Apologia non richiesta della ricerca che non studia il COVID-19

    Apologia non richiesta della ricerca che non studia il COVID-19

    Oggi diamo la parola a Liuba Papeo, esperta in neuropsicologia cognitiva. A prima vista la sua ricerca, finanziata dal Consiglio europeo della ricerca (ERC), non riguarda l'emergenza attuale causata dal coronavirus. Ma la sua opinione è che il suo…
  • Cover image of Unrequested apology for COVID-unrelated research

    Unrequested apology for COVID-unrelated research

    Today we give the floor to Liuba Papeo, a cognitive neuropsychologist funded by the ERC. At first glance her research is unrelated to the current coronavirus crisis. But, as she explains in this very personal account, her work - and those of her…
  • Cover image of La ricerca di frontiera risponde all'emergenza coronavirus

    La ricerca di frontiera risponde all'emergenza coronavirus

    Come può la ricerca di frontiera aiutare durante questa epidemia di COVID-19? Per scoprirlo, abbiamo parlato con diversi ricercatori ERC che lavorano nel campo della biologia molecolare, della virologia, immunologia, epidemiologia e molti altri…