
Displaying 1 - 10 of 27
Scientists have successfully bred corals to improve their heat tolerance

Scientists have successfully bred corals to improve their heat tolerance

A new study has shown that selective breeding can lead to a modest rise in coral heat tolerance.
A new study has shown that selective breeding can lead to a modest rise in coral heat tolerance.
A new study has shown that selective breeding can lead to a modest rise in coral heat tolerance.
A new study has shown that selective breeding can lead to a modest rise in coral heat tolerance.
A new study has shown that selective breeding can lead to a modest rise in coral heat tolerance.
Host institution science news

How tiny plankton capture carbon

Oceans play a crucial role in regulating our climate by trapping carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. While most scientists believe this process mainly occurs in temperate and polar oceans, Sophie Bonnet has discovered the tropical ocean's surprising…
Oceans play a crucial role in regulating our climate by trapping carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. While most scientists believe this process mainly occurs in temperate and polar…
Oceans play a crucial role in regulating our climate by trapping carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. While most scientists believe this process…
Oceans play a crucial role in regulating our climate by trapping carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. While most scientists believe this process mainly occurs in temperate and…
Oceans play a crucial role in regulating our climate by trapping carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. While most scientists…
Cover image of Revealing the secret life of sharks in a warming ocean

Revealing the secret life of sharks in a warming ocean

Although it is widely known that global warming has a direct impact on our ecosystems, there is little information about its effects on oceans’ top predators, such as pelagic sharks and tunas. How does ocean deoxygenation brought about by climate…
Although it is widely known that global warming has a direct impact on our ecosystems, there is little information about its effects on oceans’ top predators, such as pelagic sharks…
Although it is widely known that global warming has a direct impact on our ecosystems, there is little information about its effects on oceans’ top…
Although it is widely known that global warming has a direct impact on our ecosystems, there is little information about its effects on oceans’ top predators, such as pelagic…
Although it is widely known that global warming has a direct impact on our ecosystems, there is little information about its…
Cover image of Will climate change strengthen tsunami-like floods in Europe?

Will climate change strengthen tsunami-like floods in Europe?

By the end of the 21st century, sea levels are estimated to rise between 40 and 60 centimetres worldwide. Coping with this will be a major challenge for many European coastal communities. ERC grantee Jadranka Šepić at the University of Split in…
By the end of the 21st century, sea levels are estimated to rise between 40 and 60 centimetres worldwide. Coping with this will be a major challenge for many European coastal…
By the end of the 21st century, sea levels are estimated to rise between 40 and 60 centimetres worldwide. Coping with this will be a major challenge…
By the end of the 21st century, sea levels are estimated to rise between 40 and 60 centimetres worldwide. Coping with this will be a major challenge for many European coastal…
By the end of the 21st century, sea levels are estimated to rise between 40 and 60 centimetres worldwide. Coping with this…
Cover image of Busting the myths about ocean plastic

Busting the myths about ocean plastic

There is much more to marine plastic pollution than meets the eye. In his quest to set the record straight about this litter, Erik van Sebille, an oceanographer at Utrecht University, is garnering international interest from the public, media,…
There is much more to marine plastic pollution than meets the eye. In his quest to set the record straight about this litter, Erik van Sebille, an oceanographer at Utrecht University,…
There is much more to marine plastic pollution than meets the eye. In his quest to set the record straight about this litter, Erik van Sebille, an…
There is much more to marine plastic pollution than meets the eye. In his quest to set the record straight about this litter, Erik van Sebille, an oceanographer at Utrecht…
There is much more to marine plastic pollution than meets the eye. In his quest to set the record straight about this litter…
Cover image of New hope for coral reefs

New hope for coral reefs

Corals are one of the most beautiful and fascinating ecosystems in the world. However, due to rising sea temperatures, pollution and ocean acidification, they are also one of the most threatened. Pioneering work of ERC grantee Tali Mass shows that…
Corals are one of the most beautiful and fascinating ecosystems in the world. However, due to rising sea temperatures, pollution and ocean acidification, they are also one of the most…
Corals are one of the most beautiful and fascinating ecosystems in the world. However, due to rising sea temperatures, pollution and ocean…
Corals are one of the most beautiful and fascinating ecosystems in the world. However, due to rising sea temperatures, pollution and ocean acidification, they are also one of…
Corals are one of the most beautiful and fascinating ecosystems in the world. However, due to rising sea temperatures,…
Cover image of Enlisting albatrosses to fight illegal fishing

Enlisting albatrosses to fight illegal fishing

Illegal fishing destroys marine habitats and threatens species living at sea. The work of ERC grantee Henri Weimerskirch is helping authorities to crack down on these operations by developing the world’s first seabird ocean-surveillance system.
Illegal fishing destroys marine habitats and threatens species living at sea. The work of ERC grantee Henri Weimerskirch is helping authorities to crack down on these operations by…
Illegal fishing destroys marine habitats and threatens species living at sea. The work of ERC grantee Henri Weimerskirch is helping authorities to…
Illegal fishing destroys marine habitats and threatens species living at sea. The work of ERC grantee Henri Weimerskirch is helping authorities to crack down on these…
Illegal fishing destroys marine habitats and threatens species living at sea. The work of ERC grantee Henri Weimerskirch is…