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07 Jul 2018
<p>The annual meeting of the <a href="http://grc.rfbr.ru/pages/about.html">Global Research Council</a> provides a forum for the leaders of the largest research funding organisations in the world. Representatives of research foundations discuss…
<p>The annual meeting of the <a href="http://grc.rfbr.ru/pages/about.html">Global Research Council</a> provides a forum for the leaders of the largest research funding organisations in…
<p>The annual meeting of the <a href="http://grc.rfbr.ru/pages/about.html">Global Research Council</a> provides a forum for the leaders of the…
<p>The annual meeting of the <a href="http://grc.rfbr.ru/pages/about.html">Global Research Council</a> provides a forum for the leaders of the largest research funding…
<p>The annual meeting of the <a href="http://grc.rfbr.ru/pages/about.html">Global Research Council</a> provides a forum for…
Cover image of Climate change: How on Earth to draw the boundary lines?
05 Mar 2018
Johan Rockstrom, you have become a well-known figure in climate change science. Tell us about your academic background and how you became interested in this area.In the early 1990s, my initial field of interest and PhD focus was very down to earth,…
Johan Rockstrom, you have become a well-known figure in climate change science. Tell us about your academic background and how you became interested in this area.In the early 1990s, my…
Johan Rockstrom, you have become a well-known figure in climate change science. Tell us about your academic background and how you became interested…
Johan Rockstrom, you have become a well-known figure in climate change science. Tell us about your academic background and how you became interested in this area.In the early…
Johan Rockstrom, you have become a well-known figure in climate change science. Tell us about your academic background and…