
Displaying 1 - 10 of 19
Cover image of A new acoustic paradigm for cities
07 Jun 2022
Architecture and urban design have traditionally tended to focus on what we see rather than what we hear. When sound is taken into account, it tends to be viewed as a problem to be dealt with through noise control. Reducing noise is certainly…
Architecture and urban design have traditionally tended to focus on what we see rather than what we hear. When sound is taken into account, it tends to be viewed as a problem to be…
Architecture and urban design have traditionally tended to focus on what we see rather than what we hear. When sound is taken into account, it tends…
Architecture and urban design have traditionally tended to focus on what we see rather than what we hear. When sound is taken into account, it tends to be viewed as a problem…
Architecture and urban design have traditionally tended to focus on what we see rather than what we hear. When sound is…
Cover image of Reimagining cultural diversity: disability and inclusion
02 Mar 2022
Culture plays a prime role in creating inclusive and diverse societies. Even so, persons with disabilities are often excluded as they face multiple barriers when taking part in cultural life. How do the cultural rights of people with disabilities…
Culture plays a prime role in creating inclusive and diverse societies. Even so, persons with disabilities are often excluded as they face multiple barriers when taking part in…
Culture plays a prime role in creating inclusive and diverse societies. Even so, persons with disabilities are often excluded as they face multiple…
Culture plays a prime role in creating inclusive and diverse societies. Even so, persons with disabilities are often excluded as they face multiple barriers when taking part…
Culture plays a prime role in creating inclusive and diverse societies. Even so, persons with disabilities are often…
Cover image of Can we grow an artificial retina?
29 May 2019
Diseases affecting the retina cause one quarter of worldwide blindness. To date, there are no treatments to restore lost retinal cells and visual function, making it urgent to find new therapeutic approaches. Can stem cells be the solution? Prof…
Diseases affecting the retina cause one quarter of worldwide blindness. To date, there are no treatments to restore lost retinal cells and visual function, making it urgent to find new…
Diseases affecting the retina cause one quarter of worldwide blindness. To date, there are no treatments to restore lost retinal cells and visual…
Diseases affecting the retina cause one quarter of worldwide blindness. To date, there are no treatments to restore lost retinal cells and visual function, making it urgent…
Diseases affecting the retina cause one quarter of worldwide blindness. To date, there are no treatments to restore lost…
Cover image of Tech-filled tattoos to interact with the surrounding world
29 Nov 2018
The increasing development of wearable technology sparks the need for new, innovative ways to interact with our shiny gadgets. Deviating from the conventional approach based on touch-sensitive devices, Prof. Jürgen Steimle aims at producing body…
The increasing development of wearable technology sparks the need for new, innovative ways to interact with our shiny gadgets. Deviating from the conventional approach based on touch…
The increasing development of wearable technology sparks the need for new, innovative ways to interact with our shiny gadgets. Deviating from the…
The increasing development of wearable technology sparks the need for new, innovative ways to interact with our shiny gadgets. Deviating from the conventional approach based…
The increasing development of wearable technology sparks the need for new, innovative ways to interact with our shiny…
Cover image of Eyeing up food supplements for healthy vision
26 Nov 2018
Key nutrients can improve vision both in ageing and in healthy eyes, according to EU-funded research. Doctors are now prescribing supplements of these nutrients, while the researchers are investigating other possible health benefits.
Key nutrients can improve vision both in ageing and in healthy eyes, according to EU-funded research. Doctors are now prescribing supplements of these nutrients, while the researchers…
Key nutrients can improve vision both in ageing and in healthy eyes, according to EU-funded research. Doctors are now prescribing supplements of…
Key nutrients can improve vision both in ageing and in healthy eyes, according to EU-funded research. Doctors are now prescribing supplements of these nutrients, while the…
Key nutrients can improve vision both in ageing and in healthy eyes, according to EU-funded research. Doctors are now…
10 Jul 2018
Originally published in May 2015Updated in July 2018With an aging population, Europe sees a rapid increase in the number of people affected by visual disorders requiring surgical intervention. Building on the recent advances in robotic assistance in…
Originally published in May 2015Updated in July 2018With an aging population, Europe sees a rapid increase in the number of people affected by visual disorders requiring surgical…
Originally published in May 2015Updated in July 2018With an aging population, Europe sees a rapid increase in the number of people affected by visual…
Originally published in May 2015Updated in July 2018With an aging population, Europe sees a rapid increase in the number of people affected by visual disorders requiring…
Originally published in May 2015Updated in July 2018With an aging population, Europe sees a rapid increase in the number of…