Jelle Schoppink
Jelle Schoppink
PhD researcher, University of Twente, The Netherlands

Jelle Schoppink (1995) is a PhD researcher at the University of Twente in the Netherlands, within the ERC-funded BuBble-Gun project on laser-actuated needle-free jet injection.

He has studied Applied Physics at the University of Twente. During his master’s, he joined a study tour to Australia and did a 6 month internship at the University of Aalto in Finland. During his studies, he has also been active at the student soccer association, where he was a board member in 2016-2017. After obtaining his master’s degree, he started in January 2020 as a PhD candidate under supervision of prof. David Fernandez Rivas.

He uses high-speed imaging to investigate the energy transfer from the laser into bubble and jet. In 2022 he spent a month at EPFL, working on an experimental comparison between two types of lasers commonly used for this bubble generation. Furthermore, during his PhD he worked on designing, building and testing of a prototype jet injector. In 2023 he won the Edmund Optics Educational Gold Award for outstanding graduate optics research.

He will defend his thesis on April 19, and from July 2024, he will join the spin-off company FlowBeams as the CTO, further developing a laser-actuated needle-free jet injector.