ERC Experts

Angela Liberatore

Message of the Head of ERC Scientific Department


I have the pleasure to welcome you on behalf of the Scientific Council of the ERC and to thank you for having accepted to serve as a member of the ERC evaluation panels.

You are at the heart of the ERC evaluation process and your input is an invaluable contribution to the ERC’s continuing efforts to support frontier research in Europe on the sole basis of scientific excellence. 

We will use this web page to keep you up-to-date and assist you with the necessary formalities for becoming an ERC expert.

The Scientific Department is continuously looking for ways on how to better support you in carrying out your evaluation tasks, based also on your feedback. In the past years, the identification of external reviewers for the second step of the evaluation of ERC frontier research grants was highlighted by most of you as a crucial aspect for the quality of the evaluation process.

For this reason, the ERC will provide you with a new tool, which will assist you in the identification of external reviewers. We look forward to hearing your feedback about this development and any other aspect of our evaluation process.

I strongly encourage you to contact your Scientific Officers, who will gladly collect any suggestion or feedback and help you through any kind of problem.
Thank you in advance for your patience, understanding and feedback.

Yours sincerely,

Angela Liberatore
Head of ERC Scientific Department

Our customer service

The objective of the Expert Management service is to maintain a central point of contact for ERC experts and provide a first level of technical assistance and general information on all aspects of our processes.

ERCEA uses the European Commission central IT systems; you can contact the ERCEA EXPERTS mailbox for enquiries related to invitation replies, experts registration, profiles, legal entity and bank account, contracts and payments matters.

They will be pleased to provide you with the best guidance and are your liaison point with the central Funding and Tenders Portal support teams for technical or other assistance.

If your questions concern:

  • evaluation planning, deadlines, reviewing guidance/tasks, you can contact directly the scientific officer in charge of your panel.
  • EU Login: guides (create/update/reset) are available on this page. Please verify that you are using the correct email address and password, If the problem persists, please contact our support team

Further guidelines are available on the right-hand side of this page.

You will find further general information for Horizon Europe experts on the Funding & Tenders Portal under the menu item ”Work as an expert”: