All science stories

Showing results 1 to 10
  • When minds diverge

    When minds diverge

    Is neurodevelopment diversity a disorder to be treated or an identity to be respected? ERC grantee Kristien Hens challenges stigma, exploring first-hand experiences for a richer, more nuanced understanding.
    Is neurodevelopment diversity a disorder to be treated or an identity to be respected? ERC grantee Kristien Hens challenges stigma, exploring first-hand experiences for a richer, more…
    Is neurodevelopment diversity a disorder to be treated or an identity to be respected? ERC grantee Kristien Hens challenges stigma, exploring first…
    Is neurodevelopment diversity a disorder to be treated or an identity to be respected? ERC grantee Kristien Hens challenges stigma, exploring first-hand experiences for a…
    Is neurodevelopment diversity a disorder to be treated or an identity to be respected? ERC grantee Kristien Hens challenges…
  • MIMIc

    Teenagers’ wellbeing affected by media narratives

    Popular media narratives may be distorting teenagers' perception of success, according to research by Laura Vandenbosch. Her project aims to define the impact of 'malleable ideals' in the media on personal wellbeing and social perspectives of…
    Popular media narratives may be distorting teenagers' perception of success, according to research by Laura Vandenbosch. Her project aims to define the impact of 'malleable ideals' in…
    Popular media narratives may be distorting teenagers' perception of success, according to research by Laura Vandenbosch. Her project aims to define…
    Popular media narratives may be distorting teenagers' perception of success, according to research by Laura Vandenbosch. Her project aims to define the impact of 'malleable…
    Popular media narratives may be distorting teenagers' perception of success, according to research by Laura Vandenbosch. Her…
  • Cover image of Discovering the origin of our Sun

    Discovering the origin of our Sun

    The Sun is a star that formed 4.6 billion years ago in our Milky Way Galaxy. It is the largest and most massive object in our Solar System, whose energy enables life on our planet. What happened at the time of its birth? Was its formation similar to…
    The Sun is a star that formed 4.6 billion years ago in our Milky Way Galaxy. It is the largest and most massive object in our Solar System, whose energy enables life on our planet…
    The Sun is a star that formed 4.6 billion years ago in our Milky Way Galaxy. It is the largest and most massive object in our Solar System, whose…
    The Sun is a star that formed 4.6 billion years ago in our Milky Way Galaxy. It is the largest and most massive object in our Solar System, whose energy enables life on our…
    The Sun is a star that formed 4.6 billion years ago in our Milky Way Galaxy. It is the largest and most massive object in…
  • Cover image of A repairable brain: cell reprogramming to halt neurodegenerative disease

    A repairable brain: cell reprogramming to halt neurodegenerative disease

    What if damaged brain cells could be replaced? ERC grantee Malin Parmar has developed innovative genetic reprogramming techniques that can produce new brain cells from other types of cells in the body, opening up new therapeutic pathways to combat…
    What if damaged brain cells could be replaced? ERC grantee Malin Parmar has developed innovative genetic reprogramming techniques that can produce new brain cells from other types of…
    What if damaged brain cells could be replaced? ERC grantee Malin Parmar has developed innovative genetic reprogramming techniques that can produce…
    What if damaged brain cells could be replaced? ERC grantee Malin Parmar has developed innovative genetic reprogramming techniques that can produce new brain cells from other…
    What if damaged brain cells could be replaced? ERC grantee Malin Parmar has developed innovative genetic reprogramming…
  • Cover image of Buckle up, turbulence ahead

    Buckle up, turbulence ahead

    What if a formation of wind turbines could learn to maximise airflows generated from the movement of other machines to improve their efficiency? What if planes could learn to fly to avoid turbulence? ERC grantee Philippe Chatelain uses artificial…
    What if a formation of wind turbines could learn to maximise airflows generated from the movement of other machines to improve their efficiency? What if planes could learn to fly to…
    What if a formation of wind turbines could learn to maximise airflows generated from the movement of other machines to improve their efficiency? What…
    What if a formation of wind turbines could learn to maximise airflows generated from the movement of other machines to improve their efficiency? What if planes could learn to…
    What if a formation of wind turbines could learn to maximise airflows generated from the movement of other machines to…
  • Cover image of Microbiota: a cure for obesity?

    Microbiota: a cure for obesity?

    Effective treatment for obesity remains a challenge and the only intervention proven to maintain weight loss is bariatric surgery. Intrigued by the beneficial effect that this procedure has on the composition of gut microbiota, Dr Fredrik Bäckhed…
    Effective treatment for obesity remains a challenge and the only intervention proven to maintain weight loss is bariatric surgery. Intrigued by the beneficial effect that this…
    Effective treatment for obesity remains a challenge and the only intervention proven to maintain weight loss is bariatric surgery. Intrigued by the…
    Effective treatment for obesity remains a challenge and the only intervention proven to maintain weight loss is bariatric surgery. Intrigued by the beneficial effect that…
    Effective treatment for obesity remains a challenge and the only intervention proven to maintain weight loss is bariatric…
  • Cover image of Biomass crops are energy efficient and climate friendly

    Biomass crops are energy efficient and climate friendly

    EU-funded researchers planted, harvested, processed and analysed the life cycle of woody crops to establish how efficient and environmentally friendly they are as a source of fuel for electricity and heat.
    EU-funded researchers planted, harvested, processed and analysed the life cycle of woody crops to establish how efficient and environmentally friendly they are as a source of fuel for…
    EU-funded researchers planted, harvested, processed and analysed the life cycle of woody crops to establish how efficient and environmentally…
    EU-funded researchers planted, harvested, processed and analysed the life cycle of woody crops to establish how efficient and environmentally friendly they are as a source of…
    EU-funded researchers planted, harvested, processed and analysed the life cycle of woody crops to establish how efficient…
  • Cover image of Akkermansia, a friendly bacterium who cares

    Akkermansia, a friendly bacterium who cares

    The abundant presence of a certain bacteria in our intestine, Akkermansia muciniphila, to give it its full name, is an excellent sign according to metabolism and nutrition specialist prof. Patrice Cani. With his team, they discovered the role of…
    The abundant presence of a certain bacteria in our intestine, Akkermansia muciniphila, to give it its full name, is an excellent sign according to metabolism and nutrition specialist…
    The abundant presence of a certain bacteria in our intestine, Akkermansia muciniphila, to give it its full name, is an excellent sign according to…
    The abundant presence of a certain bacteria in our intestine, Akkermansia muciniphila, to give it its full name, is an excellent sign according to metabolism and nutrition…
    The abundant presence of a certain bacteria in our intestine, Akkermansia muciniphila, to give it its full name, is an…
  • Cover image of Is political participation contagious?

    Is political participation contagious?

    ELECTION SERIES #7Why are some people more likely to vote or stand for election than others? Researchers based in Sweden are doing some deep data diving to find out how our social surroundings and our genes influence political participation.
    ELECTION SERIES #7Why are some people more likely to vote or stand for election than others? Researchers based in Sweden are doing some deep data diving to find out how our social…
    ELECTION SERIES #7Why are some people more likely to vote or stand for election than others? Researchers based in Sweden are doing some deep data…
    ELECTION SERIES #7Why are some people more likely to vote or stand for election than others? Researchers based in Sweden are doing some deep data diving to find out how our…
    ELECTION SERIES #7Why are some people more likely to vote or stand for election than others? Researchers based in Sweden are…
  • Cover image of Breezing through the information overload

    Breezing through the information overload

    ELECTION SERIES #1There is now more information circulating than at any other time in history. Every day mind-boggling amounts of data are produced, reaching over 2.5 quintillion bytes. With the European elections just around the corner, we take a…
    ELECTION SERIES #1There is now more information circulating than at any other time in history. Every day mind-boggling amounts of data are produced, reaching over 2.5 quintillion bytes…
    ELECTION SERIES #1There is now more information circulating than at any other time in history. Every day mind-boggling amounts of data are produced,…
    ELECTION SERIES #1There is now more information circulating than at any other time in history. Every day mind-boggling amounts of data are produced, reaching over 2.5…
    ELECTION SERIES #1There is now more information circulating than at any other time in history. Every day mind-boggling…