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  • Cover image of Tech-filled tattoos to interact with the surrounding world

    Tech-filled tattoos to interact with the surrounding world

    The increasing development of wearable technology sparks the need for new, innovative ways to interact with our shiny gadgets. Deviating from the conventional approach based on touch-sensitive devices, Prof. Jürgen Steimle aims at producing body…
    The increasing development of wearable technology sparks the need for new, innovative ways to interact with our shiny gadgets. Deviating from the conventional approach based on touch…
    The increasing development of wearable technology sparks the need for new, innovative ways to interact with our shiny gadgets. Deviating from the…
    The increasing development of wearable technology sparks the need for new, innovative ways to interact with our shiny gadgets. Deviating from the conventional approach based…
    The increasing development of wearable technology sparks the need for new, innovative ways to interact with our shiny…