Expert management service

The objective of the Expert Management service is to maintain a central point of contact for ERC experts and provide a first level of technical assistance and general information on all aspects of our processes.

ERCEA uses the European Commission central IT systems.

For any questions about invitation replies, expert registration, profiles, legal entity and bank account information, contracts, or payments, feel free to reach out to our support team at They're here to offer expert guidance and serve as your connection to the central Funding and Tenders Portal support teams for any technical or other assistance you may need.

If your questions concern:

  • Evaluation planning, deadlines, reviewing guidance/tasks
    you can contact directly the scientific officer in charge of your panel
  • EU Login
    Guides (create/update/reset) are available on this page
    Please verify that you are using the correct email address and password,
    If the problem persists, please contact our support team at

Additional guidelines can be found on the right-hand side of this page.

You will find further general information for Horizon Europe experts on the Funding and Tenders Portal under Work as an expert: