Geneviève Almouzni, PhD (EMBO member, Member of the French Academy of Sciences, fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences, Director of the Research Center of the Institut Curie from September 2013 to September 2018 and honorary director since then) is director of research exceptional class at the CNRS.
She is principal investigator of the chromatin dynamics team in the nuclear dynamics research Unit (UMR3664 CNRS/Institut Curie) since 1999. She is a world leader in understanding genome organization and function during development and disease in particular in cancer. She has combined biochemistry, cell biology and physical approaches with advanced imaging to explore chromatin dynamics. Overall, G. Almouzni authored more than 220 publications and deposited 5 patents. Active in the field of Epigenetics and European actions, she coordinated the EpiGeneSys Network of Excellence to move epigenetics towards systems biology. She is highly engaged in promoting young scientists’ careers. She received prestigious grants (ERC Advanced Grants) and awards including Woman in Sciences FEBS / EMBO (2013) and the grand prix FRM (2014). She served on the EMBO Council (Vice-chair in 2014), chair of the alliance EU-LIFE, she co-chairs the European FETFlagship initiative LifeTime with Prof. N. Rajewsky at the MDC Berlin.
Mandate ERC Scientific Council: 1 Jul 2023 - 31 December 2025 (2nd term)