Andrea Ganna
Andrea Ganna
Associate Professor at Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM), HiLIFE and a research associate at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School

Andrea is an Associate Professor at Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM), HiLIFE and a research associate at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School. Andrea's research interests lie at the intersection between epidemiology, genetics, and statistics. He leads a diverse group of 18 researchers including biologists, mathematicians, and medical doctors. He is co-leading the INTERVENE consortium, which aims to integrate AI and human genetics tools for disease prevention and diagnosis across biobanks in Europe. He has been honored with the Leena Peltonen Prize for Excellence in Human Genetics and an ERC Starting Grant. Under this grant, he launched the FinRegistry project, one of the most comprehensive registry-based health studies in the world. Within FinRegistry, Andrea’s team, utilizes AI and machine learning to improve early disease detection and improve public health interventions.