Claartje ter Hoeven
Claartje ter Hoeven
Professor of Organizational Dynamics in the Digital Society at the Erasmus University Rotterdam

Claartje ter Hoeven is professor of Organizational Dynamics in the Digital Society at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. She studies the invisible labor necessary to make artificial intelligence work. Most AI-systems rely on human labor to generate, annotate, and verify data. These tasks are performed by millions of data workers, often through digital labor platforms, executing fragments of large-scale data projects. This means humans complete online microtasks such as cleaning data, labelling images, and transcribing training data for virtual agents. In 2020, she received an ERC consolidator grant for the project ‘The Ghostworker’s Well-Being: An Integrated Framework’ to investigate the relationship between the work conditions and well-being of data workers in Europe. Currently, the project is half way and by using multiple methods, the GHOSTWORK-team found precarious working conditions: workers receive pay below the poverty line, are unable to speak with managers, do not get feedback and lack labor protections.