David Uhlíř
David Uhlíř
Innovation Ecosystem Architect and Chief Strategy Officer and at the South Moravian Innovation Centre (JIC), in Brno

David Uhlíř is the Innovation Ecosystem Architect and Chief Strategy Officer and at the South Moravian Innovation Centre (JIC), in Brno. He developed the first generation of Regional Innovation Strategy of South Moravia in 2002 and was also instrumental in establishing JIC in 2003.
Over the last 20 years he worked at different positions in the field of regional policy and research and innovation policy, in the Czech Ministry of Regional Development, in the Regional Development Agency of South Moravia, and in the Czech Ministry of Education, and spent four years as a seconded national expert in DG Research and Innovation. He participated in several international assignments related to design of innovation and research policies for OECD and European Commission at the EU level and in several countries such as Romania, Croatia, and Slovakia.
Since 2013 David represents Czech Business Innovation Centres in the Board of Directors of European Business Innovation Centres Network (EBN). Between 2016-2019 he acted as EBN Vice-President and between 2019-2021 as its President.