Elias Barriga
Cover image of Elias  Barriga

E. Barriga received his B. Sc. in Biology at the Universidad Austral de Chile and his Ph. D. in Molecular Biosciences at the Universidad Andrés Bello in Chile. He carried out postdoctoral research at the London Centre for Nanotechnology (through EMBO and Marie Sklodowskiej-Curie Funds) and University College London Research Department of Cell and Developmental Biology in the United Kingdom. Nowadays, he is the Principal Investigator in Mechanisms in Morphogenesis lab at the Gulbenkian Institute of Science. Dr Barriga’s group focusses in understanding how large groups of cells synchronize their collective migratory behavior to confer robustness to tissue morphogenesis in embryo development and regeneration. For that, his group investigates the Mechanical and Electrical control of Collective Cell Migration in vivo. Since 2021, Dr Barriga is an ERC Starting and EMBO Installation Grants awardee as well as a La Caixa fellow.