Ladislav Čoček
Cover image of Ladislav Čoček

Ladislav Čoček is a senior project manager working for the Grant Office at MUNI Headquarters. Since 2019, he is responsible for central support of ERC candidates at the Masaryk University. He worked as a pre- and post-award manager on EU funded projects (FP7, H2020, European Structural and Investment Funds – ESIF) for a regional development agency, private consultancy, and since 2013 MUNI. In 2016-2019 he was the Head of the Grant Office at CEITEC Masaryk University. Ladislav has been involved in several international knowledge sharing platforms in the area of research management, e.g. the Grants and Funding Strategies Working Group of EU-LIFE or Grants and Research Funding Focus Group of Alliance4Life.