Stefania Milan
Stefania Milan
University of Amsterdam

Stefania Milan ( is Professor of Critical Data Studies at University of Amsterdam, and Faculty Associate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, Harvard University. Her work explores the interplay between digital technology and data, political participation and governance, with focus on infrastructure and agency. Stefania leads the project “Citizenship and standard-setting in digital networks” (, funded by the Dutch Research Council. She is Co-Principal Investigator in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network “Early language development in the digital age” ( In 2015-2021 she directed the projects DATACTIVE ( and Algorithms Exposed/ALEX (, both funded by the European Research Council. Stefania holds a PhD in Political and Social Science from the European University Institute. Prior to joining the University of Amsterdam, she worked at Universität Luzern, the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto, Tilburg University, and the Central European University. Stefania is the author of Social Movements and Their Technologies: Wiring Social Change (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013/2016), co-author of Media/Society (Sage, 2011), and co-editor of COVID-19 from the Margins. Pandemic Invisibilities, Policies and Resistance in the Datafied Society (Institute of Network Cultures, 2021). She is currently preparing a monograph on data activism for Sage.