Viktoria Bodnarova
Cover image of Viktoria  Bodnarova

Viktoria Bodnarova is one of the two Regional Coordinators for EURAXESS Latin America & Caribbean, based in Bogota, Colombia, as of 2022. Her main role is to inform the community of researchers of all scientific domains and nationalities based in Latin America and the Caribbean about the funding and career opportunities the European Research Area (ERA) offers (European, national or regional funding opportunities). The second role Viktoria holds is the EURAXESS Worldwide Outreach Liaison in order to reinforce the synergies, links and co-design of activities and actions between Europe and the Worldwide offices. Prior to her current position, she was the Regional Representative for EURAXESS North America and led the office for 7 years. Between 2008 and 2013, Viktoria was a Project Manager and EURAXESS Network Coordinator at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Born in Slovakia, Viktoria holds a Master of Arts degree in International Relations and European Studies from the Metropolitan University in Prague.