Wei Cao
Cover image of Wei  Cao

Wei Cao is a Chinese citizen, working as a full professor in University of Oulu, Finland. He received his doctor rerum naturalium in 2010 from University of Fribourg Switzerland on probations of atomic inner-shell processes. His postdoctoral period in University of Saskatchewan Canada was dedicated to applying spectroscopic methods to study electronic structures of semiconductors. He moved to Oulu in 2012. Since then, he has been devoted to mechanistic studies of materials formations and functionalities. He is the founder and leader of the Functional Materials research group in the Nano and Molecular Systems Research Unit at the University of Oulu. Currently, Dr Cao is working on materials physics with emphasis on metal alloys, biomimicry, and especially photocatalysis. As an experimentalist, his biggest excitements in research always come from experimental verifications of hypothesis and understandings of physical mechanisms beyond materials performances.