Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2012
10 - 13 September 2012
21:00 - 21:00
Meijiang Convention Center, Tianjin, China
Cover image of Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2012

The Annual Meeting of the New Champions provides a platform for the rising generation of global leaders from business and society to contribute to broader policy discussions and engage with the world’s top business executives. The New Champions are led by the Forum’s growing Global Growth Companies Community as well as the communities of Technology Pioneers, Young Global Leaders, Global Shapers and Young Scientists. The Meeting will highlight the role that new and fast-emerging multinational companies play in enabling and driving sustainability in a global business landscape that has been fundamentally changed by the economic crisis.

Over 1,500 participants from 90 countries participated in the Meeting in 2011 in Dalian to share strategies and solutions and discuss global issues and risks. Plans are underway for the sixth Summer Davos, which will be held in Tianjin, People’s Republic of China from 11 to 13 September 2012 under the theme Creating the Future Economy.
Three ERC grantees, Xile Hu, Jeremy O’Brien and Nicola Pugno will attend, as as well as Scientific Council Member, Prof. Alain Peyraube.
Follow the live coverage of the Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2012

Sessions with ERC grantees:
 “The Future of IT” with Prof. Jeremy O’Brien
2.    “Harnessing Science with Nature magazine” with ERC grantees and discussion leaders Prof. Nicola Pugno and Prof. Xile Hu