A native of Belgium, Catherine Balleriaux obtained her PhD in early modern history from the University of Auckland, New Zealand. After having studied and worked in the US, the UK, New Zealand, and Germany, she now lives in Brussels, where she is a Scientific Officer for the Executive Agency of the ERC in the Social Sciences and Humanities Unit.



Vaida Bankauskaite holds MD and PhD degrees from Kaunas University of Medicine, Lithuania. Her professional experience includes working for academia, private sector and international organizations. Since 2009, she has been working for the European Research Council Executive Agency (ERCEA) where she is in charge of coordinating an ERC evaluation panel “LS4 Physiology in Health, Disease and Ageing”.



Florent joined the EU Delegation in Washington DC in September 2021 as the Counselor for Research and Innovation. Prior to his current posting, he was International Relations Officer for China at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation in Brussels. He also held the position of International Relations Officer for India, Innovation Policy Officer and Scientific Officer at the European Commission. He holds a PhD in Molecular Biology from the Free University of Brussels, Belgium. He also studied at the University of Georgia, USA, and in Florence, Italy, through the ERASMUS programme. He carried out post-doctoral research in Barcelona, Spain, before joining the European Commission. Florent is an Honorary Citizen of the State of Georgia, USA.


Radha BOYA

Dr Radha Boya is a leading researcher in the field of nanofluidics, a chair (hon.) in nanoscience, and Royal Society University Research Fellow in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Manchester. She has a grant portfolio of ~£3.5M and leads a research team of 12 members, working on 2D materials, angstrom (Å)-scale fluidic devices. Dr Boya has 51 refereed publications (h-index 26) including in Nature and Science journals. She was recognized with FRSC (2021), RSC Marlow award (2020), featured in MIT Tech Review‟s “Innovators under 35” list, and as UNESCO-LOréal International Rising Talent in 2018. She has given over 50 invited talks in international research conferences and reputed Universities.


Dr. Ir. Telma Carvalho is Research Programme Officer at the European Research Council Executive Agency being in charge of the coordination of the panel on Systems and Communication Engineering which focus on achieving significant advancements in photonics, micro- nanoelectronics, robotics and communication necessary to enable the development of sophisticated products and services that fulfil in a sustainable way today's societal needs. She is a Materials Engineer by the Technical University of Lisbon in Portugal and doctor in Engineering by the Catholic University of Leuven (KULeuven). Before joining the European Research Council Executive Agency, she was R&D Manager at a spin-off company of the KULeuven charged of developing sensors and expert systems to assess the integrity of industrial components. 





Nadia El Mjiyad works in the Scientific Department of the ERC Executive Agency (ERCEA).  She has a PhD in Biology. Her scientific background is in Virology, Immunology and Cancer Research. She currently works on the ERC Synergy grant call for the Life Science oriented projects.



Luis has worked as a scientific officer at the ERC, dealing with fundamental physics and related topics, for more than a decade. Previously he worked for several years in DG RTD. He completed his training as a theoretical physicist with a thesis on non-standard relativistic cosmology. Later on he did research in physics applied to fluids and oceanography, teaching in university some fifteen years.







Tania Friederichs is Head of Sector for Research and Innovation at the EU Delegation to India since September 2016. Before that she was working in Brussels for the European Commission in the Directorate General on Research and Innovation, Department for International Cooperation and was responsible for cooperation with the Western Balkan Countries and Turkey. Tania has worked for more than 15 years on EU research and innovation policy; she was member of the Private Office of European Commissioner Philippe Busquin for research and innovation from 1999 to 2004. Before that she worked at the EU Delegation in Geneva (Switzerland) following the negotiations on trade in services (GATS) under the World Trade Organisation (WTO). She is a lawyer by training and obtained her Law Degree at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) in Brussels, Belgium in 1980 and a L.L.M. at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor (US) in 1981.




Dr Davide Innocenti is Project Adviser at Call and Project Follow-up Coordination Unit of the European Research Council Executive Agency. He is in charge of the implementation of visiting programmes for potential ERC applicants and international early-career scientists. He is a physicist by Sapienza University of Rome and doctor in Engineering by Tor Vergata University of Rome. After few posts in academia across Europe, working on superconductivity and multiferroic materials, he joined the Agency in 2018.



Ju Young KIM

Ms. Ju Young KIM has been working for the EU Delegation to the Republic of Korea as a Policy Officer in Science, Technology, and Innovation since 2014. As a Korean agent of Directorate-General for Research & Innovation of the European Commission, she supports bilateral cooperation in science, technology, and innovation areas between the EU and the RoK. Before joining the EU Delegation, she worked for the National Research Foundation of Korea from 2009 to 2014. At the NRF, she was responsible for Korea-EU political cooperation in STI by mainly leading several international cooperation policy projects such as KONNECT, KESTCAP, KORRIDOR, and KORANET under the EU Framework Programme 7.



Eduardo LEE

Eduardo Lee is a Brazilian researcher at the Condensed Matter Physics Institute (IFIMAC) of the Autonomous University of Madrid, where he set up a new laboratory and a new line of research focused on the study of quantum transport in nano-devices. Since 2017 he leads a “Starting Grant” project funded by the European Research Council (ERC) dedicated to the study of superconductor-semiconductor hybrid devices.




Laura Maragna is Policy Officer at the European Commission's Directorate General for Research and Innovation (DG R&I), responsible for the research and innovation sector at the European Union Delegation in Brazil. She has a degree in International Relations with a postgraduate degree in Political Science from the University of Brasília and studied Environmental Science in Australia.




Gregg Mitman is the Vilas Research and William Coleman Professor of History, Medical History, and Environmental Studies at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He is an award-winning author, filmmaker, and teacher, whose interests span the history of science, medicine, and the environment in the United States and the world and include a commitment to environmental and social justice. His most recent book, Empire of Rubber: Firestone’s Scramble for Land and Power in Liberia, will be published by The New Press in October 2021.  Mitman’s current research, for which he has received a €2.5 million European Research Council Advanced Grant, aims to discern the ecological, economic, political, and social forces at play that have simultaneously turned certain regions of West Africa into profitable sites of natural resource extraction, productive enclaves of biomedical research, and hot zones of pandemic threats.




Elisa Natola is the advisor for EU-Brazil International Cooperation at the Brazilian Council of State Funding Agencies (CONFAP) where she is in charge of the implementing arrangement with the European Commission. Elisa is also the National Contact Point for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions.



Christian OSWALD

Dr Christian Oswald is Scientific Officer at the ERC Executive Agency in Brussels, where he coordinates and supports the selection of proposals in the area of “Fundamental Constituents of Matter”. He is also in charge of the follow-up of funded projects and is interested in the topics of open access and research data management. His scientific background is particle physics: he worked with the Belle experiment in Tsukuba (Japan), analysed the collected data and contributed to the detector upgrade. Christian also has a background in project management as he was leading a team of IT specialists in the German public administration before joining the ERC Executive Agency in 2018.




Benjamin’s core of expertise lies in the theories and practice of social economic and cultural rights. For 5 years in South East Asia, Benjamin investigated several challenges faced by local people such as the impact of a dam on the traditional way of life, or the use of lèse majeste laws to silence social movements or the expropriation of villagers to implant a factory. As a political analyst, Benjamin conducted substantive research on justice, rule of law and Human Rights for the Asian Development Bank, the UNDP, some governments, the EU delegation in Thailand and various NGOs. Before joining the ERC in 2018, as the executive director of the Forum Montesquieu, (which is a center of expertise and research in Law and Political Sciences coordinating more than 250 researchers and 500 volunteers), Benjamin participated in the creation of the first Law Clinic opened to the general public in France, and the creation of the first Law Clinic in Morocco and two others in Algeria and Tunisia. He acquired external funds to create and implement research projects within the legal and political innovation foresight centre.



Isabella PIROLO

Isabella joined the Economic and Trade Section of the European Union Delegation to Singapore as International Relations Officer in January 2020. She follows the development of industry, innovation, research, and SMEs policies in Singapore and South-East Asia. Before she was policy assistant of the Director General for “Internal Market, industry, Entrepreneurship, and SMEs” (DG GROW) of the European Commission. She started working in the European Commission as legal officer for the defence unit of DG GROW. Between 2012 and 2014, she worked in the private sector for the development of Space research projects. She studied law and specialised in European affairs.




Novi Quadrianto is currently a Reader in Machine Learning at the University of Sussex, UK. Prior to Sussex, Novi was a Newton International Fellow of the Royal Society and the British Academy at the Machine Learning Group in the Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge. Novi received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, in July 2012. In 2019, Novi was awarded a European Research Council ERC Starting Grant for a project on developing Bayesian models and algorithms for fairness and transparency (BayesianGDPR). Since March 2021, Novi also leads a BCAM Severo Ochoa Strategic Lab on Trustworthy Machine Learning in Spain. 




He is Head of Science, Innovation, Digital, and Other EU Policies Section at the Delegation of the European Union to Japan. After his studies in Science and Management, he became Advisor to the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Parliament of Lithuania. From 2001 to 2007 he was a Dean and a Head of Strategic Management of the University of Management and Economics (ISM). From 2003 to 2004 he was an Advisor on International Economic Policy to the President of Lithuania. In 2007 he started his career in the European Commission, working in the Secretariat General on administrative modernization, then he moved to DG Environment where he worked on international negotiations and monitoring of the EU actions in the area of Climate Change. In 2012 he started working in DG Research and Innovation on development, implementation and monitoring of EU policies in the area of S&T cooperation with Israel, Eastern Partnership countries, Black Sea region, Africa, Russia, Central Asia and South Asia.




Nicolás Rascovan is an Argentine biologist and the group leader of the Microbial paleogenomics unit at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, France. He was initially formed as molecular and cell biologist, taking his first steps in research as undergraduate student in laboratories from Argentina (IFIBYNE/UBA) and USA (LRBGE/NIH). With the advent of high-throughput sequencing technologies, he decided to switch into the world of environmental metagenomics and bioinformatics for his Ph.D. (INDEAR Institute), which was defended at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. He then moved to France for his postdoc at the University of Aix-Marseille, to work on viral metagenomics in topics closer to human health. His team, supported by an ERC grant, combines ancient DNA, microbial genomics and metagenomics to study the microbes and microbiomes that associated to ancient human populations. The lab also leverages the potential of ancient pathogen genomics to investigate how infectious diseases emerged, spread and evolved over the human history. 




Jane Reznick completed her PhD in Sydney, Australia, studying the impact of circadian rhythms on metabolism. She moved the Max Delbrück Centre-Berlin to investigate molecular adaptations in the naked mole-rat where she made major discoveries into how this animal survives extreme hypoxia. Whilst there, Jane also discovered a novel protein important for insulin sensitivity and is developing a drug for the treatment of diabetes. Jane has been awarded funding including the ERC StG to research molecular adaptations in the naked mole-rat for the treatment of cardiovascular disease. In July 2020 Jane started her own group at CECAD Cologne where she continues to utilize naked mole-rats as a model to understand ageing and metabolism.



Chao Zhang (张超) is an associate professor in the Department of Chemistry-Ångström Laboratory at Uppsala University, Sweden. He obtained a Dr. rer. nat. from RWTH Aachen University in 2013 and Docent ("venia docendi") from Uppsala University in 2020. Before joining Uppsala in 2017, he was a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Chemistry at Cambridge University. His group focuses on developing finite-field methods in computational electrochemistry as well as multi-scale modelling of electrolyte materials and electrified solid-liquid interfaces for energy storage/conversion. He is the recipient of ERC Starting Grant (2020), Junior Research Fellowship from Wolfson College (2015) and Jülich Excellence Prize for Young Scientists (2013).