Joint ERC / REA Seminar - Science Diplomacy
16 January 2020
12:00 - 14:00
Covent Garden, 25th floor auditorium
Cover image of Joint ERC / REA Seminar - Science Diplomacy

In addition, the seminar will also highlight the complementarity of ‘bottom-up’ and ‘top-down’ funding approaches in the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (Horizon 2020).

The seminar webstream is available in and outside of the institution networks:

Moderator: Frank Kuhn, Science Officer, ERCEA
10:30  | Welcome coffee
11:00 | Introduction to the seminar
Angela Liberatore, Head of Unit B.5, ERCEA / Corinna Amting, Head of Unit B.3, REA
11:10 | A policy perspective on perspective on Science Diplomacy
Maria Cristina Russo, Director International Cooperation, DG RI

11.20 | Science Diplomacy: Context and Development
Claire Mays, Executive Director Coordination, “Inventing a Shared Science Diplomacy for Europe” (InsSciDE)


11:40 | Science Diplomacy in the climate area
Eystein Jansen, Principal Investigator, “Arctic Sea Ice and Greenland Ice Sheet Sensitivity” (ICE2ICE)

12:00 | Climate, food insecurity and political violence
Halvard Buhaug, Principal Investigator, “Climate Variability and Security Threats” (CLIMSEC)

12.20 | How to communicate Science Diplomacy into EU policies?
Tim Flink, “Using science for/in diplomacy for addressing global challenges” (S4D4C)
12:40 | Q&A / Discussion
12:55 | Closing
Petri Backman, Research Programme Administrator, REA
13:00 | End of seminar

Also follow the 20 min YouTube live prior to the seminar on Thursday 16/1/2020 at 10 AM

'Science Diplomacy and Climate Change: A conversation with Eystein Jansen and Halvard Buhaug'

Halvard Buhaug and Eystein Jansen - both ERC grantees and contributors to the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) - will discuss the contribution of science diplomacy to tackling climate change.