TRA 2018 "A Digital ERA For Transport - Solutions for Society, Economy and Environment"
The European Commission is co-organising with the Austrian Ministry for Transport and Innovation, the 7th edition of Transport Research Arena (TRA), to be held in Vienna from 16 to 19 April 2018.
Dr Isabelle ORTMANS, Head of Sector "Computer Science, Engineering and Earth System Science" at the ERC, will welcome you on stand E02 to answer your questions and please find below additional information regarding the grantees that will be introducing their ambitious research and ground-breaking findings:
Day 1 - from 14.40: Towards a Truly Integrated transport System
ERC grantee Serge Hoogendoorn - ALLEGRO
Day 1 - from 14.48: User-Centric Mobility Systems
ERC grantee Ludovic Leclercq - MAGnUM
Day 2 - from 16.45: Safe and Efficient Transport through Connectivity and Automation
ERC grantees Vasiliki Kalogeraki - NGHCS &
Carlos Canudas de Wit - Scale-FreeBack
Day 3 - from 10.15: Decarbonisation for a Competitive European Industry
ERC grantees Nicola Pugno - BIHSNAM &
Charles Matthew Wilson (represented by Emma Cassar) - SILCI
TRA is the largest Transport Research and Innovation Conference in Europe. The seventh edition of this biennial event will have as overarching theme "A Digital ERA For Transport - Solutions for Society, Economy and Environment".
The Conference brings together all the stakeholders of the transport system, bringing researchers, industries and public bodies closer to each other and providing a forum where they can exchange with policy makers on the challenges and opportunities the industry faces. The main TRA sessions fully reflect the multimodal and multidisciplinary nature of the transport sector and, for this reason, address all stakeholders regardless of mode.
The four main themes of the conference will be:
- Shaping the new mobility landscape – a vision for transport & mobility for Europe
- How digitalisation is transforming transport & mobility systems
- Decarbonisation & future growth – how to change our mobility system & remain competitive
- Shaping future transport research in Europe
There will be also an important exhibition area with both static and live demonstrations on latest technology developments (e.g. on electric vehicles, batteries, automation, etc.). The European Commission will have its own stand with the involvement of all transport-relevant services (DG RTD, DG MOVE, DG CNECT, DG JRC, ERC, INEA; EASME, etc.) presenting the results of EU-funded research and development projects.