ERC grant competitions 2023: Final lists of researchers awarded funding
31 January 2025
ERC grant competitions 2023

The initial results of the competitions for Starting Grants, Consolidator Grants and Advanced Grants under the ERC’s 2023 Work Programme were published in 2023 and early 2024. In the meantime, funding has become available for researchers on the reserve lists. Below are the final lists of researchers whose proposals were initially placed on reserve lists and later offered ERC funding.

These lists include all researchers who were offered grants, including those in the UK, many of whom had to decline the funding due to ineligibility of UK host institutions under the ERC’s 2023 calls for proposals. For up to date information on ERC grantees and their projects visit the dashboard.

Starting Grants 2023

Consolidator Grants 2023

Advanced Grants 2023

Updated statistics of ERC grant competitions

The statistics include only the projects where grant agreements were concluded.

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Marcin Mońko
Press and Communication adviser
T: +32 2 296 66 44