List - the 65 selected researchers by country of host institution
In this entire 2016 call, a total of 390 researchers are funded with some €580 million.
Statistics - entire Starting Grant 2016 call
About ERC Starting Grants
ERC grants are awarded to top researchers of any nationality based in, or willing to move to, Europe. The Starting Grants are open to talent with two to seven years of experience since completion of the PhD (or equivalent degree) and a scientific track record showing great promise. The research must be conducted in a public or private research organisation located in one of the EU Member States or Associated Countries. The funding – up to €1.5 million per grant - is provided for up to five years. Two thirds of the ERC budget is earmarked for the early- to mid-career researchers - the Starting Grant and Consolidator Grant schemes - and calls for proposals are published once a year for each scheme.
This year, the ERC celebrates its tenth anniversary: see summary of achievements.