Members of European Parliament to meet Europe's top scientists: Energy, transport, health on agenda
25 May 2018

Three Nobel laureates and 23 winners of the prestigious grants of the European Research Council (ERC) will meet with Members of European Parliament (MEPs) in Strasbourg on 31 May.

Cover image of Members of European Parliament to meet Europe's top scientists: Energy, transport, health on agenda

The event “Investing in Young Researchers, Shaping Europe’s Future” is hosted by the European Parliament. This is the first joint initiative of the European Parliament's STOA panel and the ERC, and the event will also include high-level speakers from Parliament and Commission.

Six parallel exchange sessions will bring together ERC grantees and MEPs around topical themes of interest for both scientists and policy makers:

  •  modern energy solutions
  • eco-efficient transport
  • sustainable management of natural resources
  • digital revolution - potential and challenges of the Information Society
  • health and life sciences • science policy, communication and global networking

These panels will show what Europe does for research through powerful testimonies and authoritative feedback provided by mainly young ERC grantees. Furthermore, this dialogue will consider how initiatives as the ERC, and programmes such as Horizon 2020, can help shape the future of Europe.

Detailed programme.

Researchers who are speakers at the event.

Follow the event on Twitter: #ERCSTOA

Press pack on the ERC

Practical information for journalists

The plenary part and the exchange sessions will take place in the European Parliament (EP) in Strasbourg from 8:30 until 11:30. The plenary parts of the event will be web-streamed and interpreted. Journalists who already hold a permanent media accreditation with the EP will be able to access the event. For those not holding a permanent media accreditation, requests to attend the conference can be sent to Video and photo journalists should get a special accreditation to be allowed to use their cameras during the conference. EP press release

The plenary sessions of the event will be web-streamed and interpreted.
Follow us on Twitter under #ERCSTOA.