Expert engagement and payment process

In this page, you will find practical information, from your initial acceptance as an expert to the management of your fees, travel arrangements, daily and accommodation allowances.

The ERCEA ensures a straightforward process, which includes:


Once you have been nominated by the ERC Scientific Council, you will receive an official invitation letter by email. When you will have confirmed your acceptance to the invitation for participating to a ERCEA call, the contracting process will start.
ERCEA uses the central Funding & Tender Portal, entry point for participants and experts in funding programmes managed by the European Commission and other EU bodies.
The contracting and reimbursement/payment processes are fully electronic.

ERCEA Experts Management Team in charge of the contracts and payments of experts, will contact you and guide you, at each step and all along the procedure, depending on the status of your information.


Contracting process - Mandatory requirements


  • Having a EU login – secured account used to identify you when connecting to EU IT systems. It also serves as e-signature in the different contracting and evaluations processes, representing your commitment on the information you submit/sign.
  • Having a valid expert profile in the EU Funding &Tenders portal
    For this, the EMT services will either identify and pick-up your existing profile or contact and guide you for the creation of an expert profile.
  • Having registered a valid legal entity (I.D.) and bank information.
    you will be invited to check/update or register your legal entity (I.D.) + bank account; mandatory to identify your as party of the contract and assure that EU/ERCEA will be in capacity to honour the contractual reimbursements and payments.

Once the profile, legal entity, and bank account information have been validated, your contract can be issued.
Expert management team starts to contact you as soon as your acceptance is received; to be ready on time. Please note that the contracts are not issued straightaway after your data is completed but it can take up to several months from the day you accept the participation.



When contract ready, you will receive an email notification with a link to the contract, inviting you to sign it in ‘My Expert Area’ and electronically by using your EU login. The contract enters into force only once it has been signed by both parties (you and the ERCEA). Then your access can be granted to the evaluation IT system, where the relevant proposals and reviewing forms will be available.

In case of work on-site, you can start making travel arrangements as soon as you have received the agenda of the meeting from ERCEA staff (usually a Scientific or Ethics Officer). For more information in this regard, please consult the Leaflet and the FAQ on reimbursement of expenses, which you can find 



After the evaluation is completed, you will receive an email notification within 15 calendar days.

This notification will invite you to submit your request for reimbursement through the 'My Expert Area' within the following 30 calendar days. For every whole day of work on-site, (such as participating in an evaluation meeting, monitoring activities or meetings) you will be paid €450.

For any remote work (e.g. individual reviews of a proposal), please consult your contract.

If your participation to the meeting involves travel costs, all the necessary supporting documents must be uploaded in your cost claim.

Regarding daily and accommodation allowances, no supporting documents are required because these allowances are paid as a flat rate. The daily allowance shall be €113 per meeting day and the accommodation allowance shall be €168 per night, whereby you can only claim a number of accommodation allowances that equals the number of meeting days plus one.

For experts coming from 100 km or less from the meeting place, the daily allowance shall be €56.50, and they are not entitled to an accommodation allowance if the meeting schedule is compatible with the time of the travel from the point of departure to the meeting place and back on the same day.

You will receive your reimbursement at the latest 30 days after you have submitted your claim.