The “Science is Wonderful!” fair is an annual event that brings the world of cutting-edge research to young scientists in primary and secondary schools all over Europe.
The upcoming edition will take place in Brussels on 16 & 17 March 2023 at the Maison de la Poste, and will feature more than 100 researchers from across Europe.
This event will include interactive presentations, hands-on experiments, games, and quizzes. Two ERC grantees will take part by giving Science Talks in the cinema. Check the programme!
Participation is open to everyone – families, school classes, fans of science – and free of charge. Only school classes or large groups (15 people or more) should register. If you are an individual or a family, you do not need to register and can simply come join us at the science fair.
Thursday 16 March
08:30 | Opening of the exhibition
13:45 (in NL) and 16:45 (in EN) | “Picture-perfect lives: how Instagram, Netflix and Music Shape Teens Identity” (in NL)
Laura Vandenbosh, University of Leuven, Belgium
Have you ever wondered how pop songs or social media might change your view on the world? In his song, artist Cody Johnson sings “If you got a dream, chase it, 'cause a dream won't chase you back”. In another song, Imagine Dragons sing “Been dreaming of this since a child … I'm on top of the world".
Such messages – that you have to work hard to succeed or that success comes with happiness are also mirrored in teens’ social media posts (e.g., graduation party post with the hashtag #workhardplayhard) or Netflix series (e.g., Harvey Specter in Suits: “The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.”).
Together, such messages tell a narrative on ideals. Together with my team, I look at how these narratives may affect teens and how it changes the way they think about themselves and their lives.
Join me and get some helpful tips and tricks on how to have a positive vibe when using digital media.
17:00 | Last entrance
18:30 | Closing of the exhibition
Friday 17 March
08:30 | Opening of the exhibition
13:45 (in NL) and 15:15 (in EN) | “Exoplanets: where are they and how to find them?”
Sijme-Jan Paardekooper, TU Delft, the Netherlands
Before 1992, we only knew about the 8 planets in our own Solar system, but for hundreds of years people have speculated about planets around other stars: exoplanets. Since 1995, we know that there are indeed planets around other stars like the Sun!
But how are these planets found? And what are they like? Could some of them harbour life?
We will discuss the techniques used by researchers to discover exoplanets, and what their properties are, and in particular if we think there could be life out there.