A series of ERC-EURAXESS webinars will take place between September and November, providing an overview of ERC funding opportunities and the support offered by regional EURAXESS hubs. ERC grantees from different regions around the world will provide testimonials about applying for ERC funding and managing their grants.
Wednesday 4 September
9.00 - 10.30 (CEST)
Tatas Brotosudarmo, EURAXESS ASEAN
Overview of ERC funding opportunities and open calls
Odeta Limaj, ERC Scientific Officer
ERC grantee testimonial
Novi Quadrianto, Indonesia
Monday 9 September
9.00 - 10.30 (CEST) | 16.00 - 17.30 (JST)
Judit Erika Magyar, EURAXESS Japan
Opening remarks
Shigeo Morimoto, Vice President, Japan Science and Technology Agency
ASPIRE introduction and JST’s cooperation with the ERC
Kenta Takei, Department of International Affairs, Japan Science and Technology Agency
Overview of ERC opportunities
Angela Liberatore, Head of the Scientific Department, ERC
A comprehensive study on flexible and stretchable electronics
Naoji Matsushita, Associate Professor, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Tokyo
Martin Kaltenbrunner, EU-funded collaborator, Johannes Kepler University
Strategic platforms for the next generation acoustically actuated user interfaces
Tatsuki Fushimi, Assistant Professor, Institute of Library, Information and Media Science, University of Tsukuba
Asier Marzo, EU-funded collaborator, Public University of Navarra
ERC – Closing remarks
Martin Penny, Head of Communications
Wednesday 25 September
16.00 (CEST) | 8.00 (Mexico) | 9.00 (Colombia) | 11.00 (Argentina, Brazil, Chile)
Charlotte Grawitz, EURAXESS LAC
Transformative adaptation towards ocean equity
Carlos Sebastian Villasante Larramendi, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Unconventional principles of underwater wave control in the sub-wavelength regime
Marco Miniaci, CNRS
Human history of marine life: extraction, knowledge, drivers & consumption of marine resources, c.100 BCE to c.1860 CE
Carolina Chong Montenegro, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
EURAXESS Australia and New Zealand
Thursday 26 September
9.00 (CEST) | 17.00 (AEST) | 19.00 (NZST)
Nishant Shandilya, EURAXESS Australia and New Zealand
ERC grantee testimonial
Scott Ronald Bremer
Presentation of ERC grants
Janne Salo, ERC Scientific Officer
ERC grants for researchers and closing remarks
Nishant Shandilya
Tuesday 8 October
9.30 - 11.00 (CEST) | 16.30 - 18.00 (Korea)
Woohyun Cho, Director General, Korea-EU Research Centre
Introduction to ERC applications and evaluations
Jose Labastida, Head of Unit, ERC and Hyong-ha Kim, NCP/KRISS
ERC Starting Grant testimonial and ERC Consolidator Grant testimonial
Woojin Kwon
Chulmin Chu
Korea-EU/Europe Research Cooperation Programs
Sangha Woo, National Research Foundation of Korea
Unlocking opportunities: navigating ERC grants for researchers
Korea Tomasz Wierzbowski, EURAXESS Korea
Thursday 13 November
10.30 - 12.00 (CET) (TBC)
Samrat Kumar, EURAXESS India
Presentation of ERC grants
Alexandra Dusa, ERC Scientific Officer
Testimonials by 2 ERC grantees
Wednesday 20 November
9.00 (CET) | 16.00 (Beijing)
Karlis Rokpelnis, EURAXESS India
Presentation of ERC grants
Alexandra Dusa, ERC Scientific Officer
ERC grantee testimonial
Manuel Pérez García
Closing remarks
Karlis Rokpelnis