Over €2.7 billion will be available in ERC research grants for 2025. What are the new funding opportunities, the budget allocations, the calendar, and the conditions?
Angela Liberatore and José Labastida from the ERC Executive Agency will present the 2025 plans and answer questions from the audience. The session will be moderated by Martin Penny.
Recording of the webinar
You can watch the webinar here.
Here are the answers to the questions that we didn't have time to cover during the webinar.
- About the Consolidator Grant, is the 7-12 years after the PhD the only criteria for applying or one expects the PI to show more experience/publications?
To be admitted to the competition and have your proposal evaluated (i.e. to be eligible) in the Consolidator Grant scheme, 7-12 years after the PhD is the main criterion for the PI. However, while being evaluated, a Consolidator Grant Principal Investigator is expected to have already shown evidence of research independence. Moreover, they will be assessed on their ability to conduct ground-breaking research, on their capacity for original and innovative thinking, and their expertise and capacity to successfully execute the project (see the ERC Work Programme for evaluation criteria). If you have applied previously, resubmission restrictions might also apply.
- Starting Grant: how is it evaluated if a young researcher is independent as not many supervisors allow corresponding authorship?
The Work Programme states that "a Starting Grant Principal Investigator should have already shown evidence of the potential for research independence, for example by having produced at least one important publication as main author or without the participation of their PhD supervisor". However, this is only one way of demonstrating the potential for research independence. The CV and Track Record section of the application form allows you not only to list your scientific output and achievements to date but also explain your role in producing them. For here for more information on the assessment of researchers at the ERC.
- Synergy Grant: any age limits? If a PI is past retirement age, but keeping some position at a host institution, would this be judged negatively?
There is no age limit in the Synergy Grant. All active researchers are encouraged to apply and will not be judged on their age.
- Is there any statistics how “old” (in years since PhD) are the PIs who have successfully applied for ERC Synergy Grants?
As there is no requirement for PIs applying to the Synergy Grant to provide their "academic age"; there are no comprehensive statistics on the "academic age" distribution of ERC Synergy Grant awardees.
- Is it possible to read a proposal which received a grant and which is near our research work?
Proposals submitted to the ERC are confidential and the ERC does not disclose this information to third parties; you would have to contact the Principal Investigator(s) in question to see if they would like to share their proposal. At the same time, some National Contact points organise training for prospective PIs, in which unsuccessful and successful proposals are used (with the consent of the PI) as examples; thus, please enquire with your National Contact Point.
- If I have successfully defended my PhD, but minor corrections: will the defense date be considered OR the date when the minor corrections are approved?
The reference date for the calculation of the PI’s eligibility is the date of the successful defence of the PhD. Even if there were minor corrections, if the defence was successful, then we consider the defence date. If the defence was not successful and the thesis needed major corrections, then we could consider the date when the corrections were approved but to do so, the applicant needs to submit an official document from the awarding institution indicating that the defence of the PhD was not successful and stating the date when the thesis was approved.
- What criteria do the evaluators use to assess additional funds (up to 1 mio EUR)? Does the rejection of these funds affect the final evaluation of the project?
Additional funding is provided for a limited number of specific purposes (see Work Programme). The evaluators assess the necessity of the additional funding in the context of the overall project. The rejection of the request for additional funding does not necessarily affect the final evaluation of the overall project (i.e., a project can still be funded without being awarded additional funding).
- If an ERC is won in one country, can the project be transferred to another country?
Yes. We refer to this as portability. See the ERC Work Programme for more information.
- Can we expect the timeframe of deadlines remain the same in 2026? A deadline shortly after New Years is not family friendly.
At the moment, we expect to keep the same timeframe; however, the actual timing will be confirmed by July 2025 at the latest.
- How is the budget typically split into the different costs for the Consolidator Grant?
The budget split is largely project-dependent as objectives and resource-intensity vary. However, the main cost categories, which can also be found in the application template under the budget section are personnel costs, sub-contracting, travel and subsistence costs, equipment etc.
- Are you planning to extend the lump sum scheme also for Starting and Consolidator Grants? It would be a relief for small HIs...
Currently, the lump sum approach is being piloted in the Advanced Grant scheme only. Once the ERC has gathered sufficient feedback on the process, it might consider extending it to the Starting and Consolidator Grant schemes.
- Is it worthy to apply for a Consolidator Grant if you don't have a research group?
There is no requirement to have a research group to apply for a Consolidator Grant. To be admitted to the competition and have your proposal evaluated (i.e. to be eligible) in the Consolidator Grant scheme, 7-12 years after the PhD is the main criterion for the PI. However, while being evaluated, a Consolidator Grant Principal Investigator is expected to have already shown evidence of research independence. Moreover, they will be assessed on their ability to conduct ground-breaking research, on their capacity for original and innovative thinking, and their expertise and capacity to successfully execute the project (see the ERC Work Programme for evaluation criteria). If you have applied previously, resubmission restrictions might also apply.
- Are preprints taken into consideration (for Starting Grants) and should they be added in the CV?
Preprints are taken into consideration when evaluating the PI's track-record at the discretion of the evaluators, provided they are properly referenced (i.e. include a link/DOI).
- Why a standard paternity leave is not recognised? There are very broad differences among countries (sometimes 10 days) and males with children are penalised.
Currently, paternity leave is recognised based on leave taken.
- Will you move towards narrative CVs and put less weight on publications, impact factors etc?
Given the ongoing debate on how to assess the work of researchers to consider the multitude of individual career paths, the ERC has updated its approach to proposal/PI evaluation and has already moved towards a more qualitative approach. Moreover, the ERC has endorsed the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), and the use of Journal Impact Factors is not allowed in our evaluations.
- Are industrial parties eligible as well?
Yes, the Principal Investigator can be hosted by a company.
- Starting Grant: is it considered negative to use external lab because they have a more powerful technique? I don't think I have enough budget to acquire the instrument.
It is perfectly acceptable to use an external lab if it benefits the project and such use is properly justified in the proposal.
- What kind of experience is expected for the PI of a Consolidator Grant? Especially when one has had a non-academic career break.
When assessing the PIs track-record, the evaluators are instructed to consider career breaks/diverse research career paths, as well as consider the PI's achievements in light of their career path to date. A Consolidator Grant Principal Investigator is expected to have already shown evidence of research independence. Moreover, they will be assessed on their ability to conduct ground-breaking research, on their capacity for original and innovative thinking, and their expertise and capacity to successfully execute the project (see the ERC Work Programme for evaluation criteria).
- Where could one find the templates? Are they accessible outside of the application portal, so one can decide if they can apply?
Yes, all templates are accessible (without the need to log into the portal) under the Guidance & Documents section of the EU Funding & Tenders Portal.
- What is the success rate for Starting Grants?
Currently, the success rate for Starting Grants is around 14%.
- Is it possible to integrate beyond Principal Investigators also supporting researchers as kind of Associated Investigators in a Synergy Grant application.
Currently, there is no dedicated role of an 'Associated Investigator' in the Synergy Grant scheme.
- What would be the logical next step for a MSCA international postdoctoral fellow: a starting or a consolidator grant?
That would largely depend on the individual, their career path to date, and whether they satisfy the eligibility requirements (see ERC Work Programme 2025 for more information).
- Can one apply for the Starting & Consolidator Grant in the same year using/not using the extension?
Yes, one can apply to a Starting and Consolidator Grant call in the same (Work Programme) year; however, only the first eligible application received will be evaluated. This applies not only to Starting and Consolidator Grant calls, but also to Advanced and Synergy Grant schemes.
- Is it possible to put a part time administrative assistant in the budget (for Starting or Consolidator Grant)? For dealing with expenses, purchasing, website, PR etc
In principle - no. This should be covered by indirect costs. However, if it is the usual practice of the Host Institution and a system is in place to account for hours worked on the project it might be accepted.
- Could we reasonably expect the 2026 work programme to include a call for Synergy Grants?
Yes, currently, it is the ERC's intention to include the Synergy Grant scheme in the ERC Work Programme 2026.
- If our research is multidisciplinar, is it evaluated by two different panels or by a multidisciplinary panel?
Most ERC panels cover several disciplines; however, there is no dedicated panel for multidisciplinary proposals. In practice, a proposal is evaluated in the candidate's chosen panel. If the chosen panel does not have (all) the required expertise, reviews from other panels can be requested, or failing that - the proposal can be assigned to a different panel that does possess (some or all of) the required expertise (and can request further reviews from other panels if necessary).
- In case of a disability, what kind of documents are required to prove it? It may be a mobility disability that impacts productivity long-term.
For disability, an official document confirming the disability together with documentation certifying leave/part-time working/reduced working capacity resulting from the disability, with relevant start and end dates (if applicable) should be provided. Further information can be found the Information for applicants to the Starting and Consolidator Grant Calls.
- What is the reasonable budget to ask for in Starting/Advanced Grant?
The budget for your project should reflect the resources needed for the work envisaged. The maximum amount of funding awarded in the different grant schemes can be found in the Work Programme.
- What would be an expected number of partners in a project? Are there any requirements with respect to the country, e.g. can it be all from the same country?
Unlike consortium projects in other parts of the Horizon Europe, there is no requirement to have a certain number of partners from different countries. Most ERC projects under the Starting, Consolidator, and Advanced Grant schemes would typically have one Principal Investigator and their team affiliated to one Host Institution (i.e. a mono-beneficiary grant), or two to four Principal Investigators and their teams hosted by up to four Host Institutions for Synergy Grant.
- is a consultant for administration and management of the project eligible if it is outside of academia?
No. The Host Institution must have the capacity to manage the grant. Some universities have facilities to manage the administration.
- What are the chances that a postdoc, a Marie Curie fellow for example, can win a Starting Grant without having their own group and proved independence?
The Work Programme states that "a Starting Grant Principal Investigator should have already shown evidence of the potential for research independence, for example by having produced at least one important publication as main author or without the participation of their PhD supervisor". However, this is only one way of demonstrating the potential for research independence. Moreover, it is not a requirement for applicant PIs to have established a research group. See here more information on the assessment of researchers at the ERC.
- If you get a B (or C) in the Starting Grant 2025 and it's your last year of eligibility, does the 1 (or 2) year ban also then apply to you for Consolidator Grant application?
The eligibility rules for applicants of Starting Grant 2025 will be set out in the ERC Work Programmes of 2026 and 2027. Should the same eligibility rules continue to apply, applicants that receive a score of C in Step 1 of Starting Grant 2025, will not be allowed to apply to Starting, Consolidator, and Advanced Grants of 2026 and 2027. Applicants that receive a score of B in Step 1 of Starting Grant 2025, will not be allowed to apply to Starting, Consolidator, and Advanced Grants of 2026.
- Is frontier research funded by ERC limited to fundamental research?
No. The ERC also funds frontier research with future application in mind.
- B1 part- In the CV Synopsis, made sense to write text (small composition) or only use a list-type structure?
A template for the Curriculum Vitae and Track Record is provided with the application forms as an example. This template can be modified as desired. The Work Programme encourages applicants to provide a list of outputs with a short description, if relevant.
- Eligibility Starting Grant: If you've had twins, can we sum 18+18 months?
Yes, maternity extension is a flat rate of 18 months per each child born before or after the PhD defence date. For twins, the extension would be 36 months.
- How important is adding an advisory committee to the proposal?
There is no requirement to add an advisory committee. It is up to the applicant to decide whether the envisaged research project would benefit from having an advisory committee.
- Will ERC consider removing their ethical panels and checks -this is redundant with existing ethical checks applicants pass on their universities before applying.
All projects funded by the Framework Programme, have to undergo the Ethics Appraisal Procedure.
- Does the type of research count when applying for the grant? Is there a distinction between fundamental and applied research?
No, provided that the research itself goes significantly beyond the state-of-the-art.
- Have registered Patents (as co-inventor) at the basis of the idea, is a value for the project?
That would depend on the envisaged project. Every proposal is evaluated based on its ambitiousness, its ability to go beyond the state-of-the-art, its feasibility (see Work Programme for a full list of evaluation elements); it is up to the applicant to decide how the work already done and patented fits into the proposal.
- I applied for Starting Grant 1 year back & received a percentile of 76%. I want to resubmit to Consolidator Grant. How much changes are expected if I apply with same idea bit modified?
Each application (even a re-submission) is assessed on its merit at the time of the respective evaluation without taking into consideration previous applications/evaluation result. The feedback provided by the evaluators should point to possible areas of improvement.
- If you are in last year of eligible period for Staring Grant, but the project is not funded, can you reapply next year or after 1-2 years for Consolidator Grant?
That would depend on whether there are any resubmission restrictions linked to the outcome of your previous application. These are explained in the Work Programme. Should you not be subject to resubmission restrictions, you can apply to the Consolidator Grant as soon as a new call is opened.
- If one has already established their own group and permanent professorship but is still <7 years of the PhD, can one still apply for the Starting Grant?
Yes, the only criterion for a PI for being eligible to the Starting Grant scheme is the time elapsed since the PhD defence date. If you have applied previously, resubmission restrictions may also apply.
- Is it possible to apply for the Starting Grant if PI has less than 2 years after PhD defence?
No. The earliest an applicant can apply to a Starting Grant is at least two years after their PhD defence.
- About at least one publication without doctoral supervisor. Does my vice/minor supervisor count?
The Work Programme states that "a Starting Grant Principal Investigator should have already shown evidence of the potential for research independence, for example by having produced at least one important publication as main author or without the participation of their PhD supervisor". However, this is only one way of demonstrating the potential for research independence. The CV and Track Record section of the application form allows you not only to list your scientific output and achievements to date but also explain your role in producing them, as well as to list other elements, e.g., instances of peer recognition that might testify to your potential for research independence. See here more information on the assessment of researchers at the ERC.
- Synery Grant: is it considered negative to have PIs at the same career stage?
The career stages of the individual Synergy Grant PIs do not form part of the evaluation elements. The proposal is assessed mainly on whether the PIs can collectively tackle the proposed research.
- Is it a problem or is it appreciated if we use already existing data? Is it preferred to collect new data and not use already existing resources?
You should use the data and sources that you consider most effective in strengthening your case for an ERC grant.
- Can the grant be given to collaborations of research groups?
Most ERC grants are mono beneficiary (i.e. the grant is signed by the main beneficiary, but other beneficiaries appear as additional beneficiary by signing an accession form). Participation of other beneficiaries must be justified in the proposal.
- Can we include preprint in the ERC CV?
Yes, you can include preprints in your CV provided they are properly referenced (i.e. include a link/DOI). Preprints are taken into consideration at the discretion of the evaluators when evaluating the PI's track-record.
- Can you have collaborators (like advisors)? Of course, as the applicant, one would be the driver of the research question.
Yes, you can include collaborators/advisors in your research proposal. You should explain their relevance for the project, as well as their role in it.
- Are there any types of arrangements possible if you are called for an interview around the time or shortly after you’ve given birth?
Yes, the ERC tries its best to accommodate interviewees when significant life events might prevent them from attending the interview on a specific date.
- Advanced Grant Lump Sum, will the PIs requested to confirm time commitment. How do you suggest institutions/PIs do that if it is not with timesheets?
The time commitment will have to be indicated in the proposal/grant, and in the final report on the project. However, it is up to the Host Institution to monitor compliance.
- Is it mandatory to contact the National Contact Points and let them know that you are applying?
No. National Contact Points are there to provide guidance but it is not mandatory to consult or notify them.
- Does it matter if I have a research proposal that is like another proposal that has already been given a research grant?
The evaluation panels are tasked to evaluate the novelty of each proposal, and the extent to which it goes beyond the state-of-the art, independently.
- Which criteria do researchers need to meet to become panel members?
Panel Members are chosen by the ERC Scientific Council based on the following: their skills and knowledge in the respective area, their level of professional experience in the area, and their language skills. More information on the roles and responsibilities of experts can be found in the ERC Rules for Submission and Evaluation under Horizon Europe.
- Eligibility in Advanced Grant, is there a funding for Project Management, and can it be managed by a person/entity outside of the Host Institution?
No. The Host Institution must have the capacity to manage the grant. Some universities have dedicated facilities to manage the administration.
- If there is no medical school or animal facilities available at the host university, and collaboration is required, can we request money for it?
Yes, you can budget for these as subcontracting if there are no facilities at the Host Institution and these tasks are essential for the execution of the project. If these tasks are auxiliary to the project, then they must be listed under 'other goods and services'. These must also be well explained and justified in the proposal, and it is up to the panel to accept them.
- Can participating institutions receive funds in a Starting Grant?
Participating institutions (i.e. not Host Institutions) can receive funding under specific circumstances (see the Work Programme for more details).
- I work officially in a humanitarian organization in Turkey and as researcher at a university in NW Syria which is not recognised. Can I apply for an ERC grant?
Provided you meet all the other eligibility criteria concerning you as the Principal Investigator, you can apply, however, your Host Institution must be established in an EU Member State or Associated Country. A Host Institution in Turkey would meet this requirement. Humanitarian organisations can act as Host Institutions if they meet the criteria for Host Institutions as listed in the ERC Work Programme.
- For a Starting Grant, can my host institution differ from the laboratory where I plan to do my research, and which I will visit when needed?
Depends on the administrative link between that Host Institution and the laboratory, but in principle the PI must be hosted and engaged by the Host Institution.
- What are major eligibility changes in Starting Grant? Did the maximum of years to apply was extended? And for consolidator?
For Work Programme 2025, the eligibility requirements in terms of the time between the PhD defence and the call deadline have not changed; however, there were two novelties concerning eligibility extensions. Firstly, extensions due to disability have been explicitly recognised as a separate reason for extension. Secondly, the definition of extensions due to major disasters has been enlarged to included disasters caused by human intervention.
- Synergy Grant: Proposal's Working Plan: how to split grant money among PIs, based on staff work hours or expected salaries rates?
The proposals should reflect the resources needed to complete the project in terms of the working time and staffing costs (salaries). These will differ from country to country.
- It is still ambivalent if the PhD certificate has only to explicitly contain the date of the defence or also have a text explicitly say "This is the date of the d."
The date of the defence does not need to be explicitly/literally spelled out on the PhD diploma/certificate, but it must be clear when the defence took place. If this cannot be established from the diploma/certificate alone, the applicant should submit, together with the diploma/certificate, an official document from the awarding institution indicating when the defence took place or which of the dates indicated on the diploma corresponds to the defence date.
- What is considered in the % of time spent in a MS or AC? es. conferences in USA are considered as time spent out of MS or AC?
It is expected that the research project will be implemented within the territory of the Member States or Associated Countries. However, where field work or other research activities must necessarily be conducted outside the European Union or the Associated Countries for the achievement of the scientific objectives of the project/activity, this will also be considered working time spent in an EU Member State or Associated Country.
- I feel there is a bias towards being very young in ERC, gain (even with career breaks) this favours certain groups of researchers.
Eligibility windows and their extensions are designed to provide a similar 'level playing field' while taking different situations into account.
- Does spending 50% of working time in EU mean 50% of total working time, or of working time on the project? So if 75% on Advanced Grant, is min. time in EU 50% or 37.5%?
The requirement of spending a minimum of 50% of the PI's working time in an EU Member State or Associated Country means 50% of the PI's total working time and not only as a percentage of time spent on the project. In addition, this percentage is calculated as an overall percentage over the course of the project's duration (i.e. 50% on average).
- Can I apply to the Starting Grant if the article without my PhD supervisor is a preprint under review?
To be admitted to the competition and have your proposal evaluated (i.e. to be eligible) in the Starting Grant scheme, you only must show that you are within the stated eligibility period of >2 and <=7 years after the PhD defence date (and not subject to resubmission restrictions). Having produced at least one important publication as main author or a publication without the participation of your PhD supervisor is only one way of demonstrating the potential for research independence and is not a requirement to be admitted to the competition. The CV and Track Record section of the application form allows you not only to list your scientific output and achievements to date but also explain your role in producing them. Preprints can be included in your CV & Track Record provided they are properly referenced (i.e. include a link/DOI). It is up to the evaluators to take preprints into account when evaluating your proposal. See here for more information on the assessment of researchers at the ERC.
- Eligibility in Advanced Grant, is there a funding for Project Management, and can it be managed by a person/entity outside of the Host Institution?
No. The Host Institution must have the capacity to manage the grant. Some universities have dedicated facilities to manage the administration.
- Is there any subsection devoted to Impacts and Implementation? If yes, is it in Part B1 or Part B2?
There is no sub-section devoted to Impacts and Implementation. For more details on how to structure the proposal see the Work Programme and the guidance in the Information for Applicants.
- How collaboration with US partners is assessed? If it represents an added value, how much would you recommend to stress on it?
The role/added value of this collaboration (and any costs associated with it) should be properly explained and substantiated in the proposal. Funding to entities outside of the EU or Associated Countries can be granted only if their participation is essential or adds value to the project (except in Synergy Grant, where one of the Host Institutions can be based outside the EU or an Associated Country).
- Will you restructure the LS domain? Some panels are overlapping and some cover too much ground, are too broad (see LS7 and LS9). Not easy for applicants!
Currently, there are no plans to restructure the LS domain; however, the ERC Scientific Council is constantly re-evaluating the ERC application and evaluation process.
- Should you provide reasons for the extension of eligibility, even if they are not necessary? But to explain why you have fewer publications, for ex.
Given the ongoing debate on how to assess the work of researchers to consider the multitude of individual career paths, the ERC has updated its approach to proposal/PI evaluation. Therefore, a dedicated additional information section has been introduced in the CV & Track Record part of the application, where applicants can (if they wish) provide relevant additional information on career breaks, diverse career paths, or other life events that provide context to the evaluators, when assessing the applicants track record.
- For ERC grants, is there any case where the grant extension was accepted for more than a year?
Yes, but this would depend on the reason for extension (e.g. for maternity leave - extensions should be in line with the rules of the country which hosts the grant).
- Does it matter whether two applications come from the same university/institution (or have the same host)?
No. Many of our applications are submitted by Principal Investigators based in the same Host Institution.
- Will a 2025 Advanced Grant be evaluated if a 2025 Synergy Grant has been submitted and rejected?
No. The Work Programme states that if two proposals are submitted to two different main grant calls under the same Work Programme, only the first eligible proposal will be evaluated.
- Can SIDS benefit from this opportunity?
It is expected that an ERC project will be implemented within the territory of an EU Member State or Associated Country (except field work). However, one of the Host Institutions in a Synergy Grant can be a Host Institution based in a Small Island Developing State (SIDS).
- On which channels is the ERC community gathering e.g. on Linkedin? It would be appreciated to connect on Healthtech, Semiconductors, EdTech, GovTech research.
Currently, the ERC and many of its grantees are particularly active on LinkedIn and X. The independent Association of ERC Grantees (AERG) brings together current and former ERC grantees, as well as organising events for a wider audience. You can find them on LinkedIn, X and Facebook.
- A specific task to be developed in external lab as user because their technique is more powerful than ours in the institute, is negatively considered for Synergy Grant?
The panel will evaluate the proposed approach based on what is necessary for the project. Thus, it is advisable to provide a thorough justification for the use of an external lab (as opposed to an in-house one).
- Can you give a couple examples of incremental research?
It is expected that ERC-funded research goes significantly beyond the existing state-of-the-art and is not merely the next (foreseeable) step in a research strategy. This varies field-by-field.
- How much is practice-based research possible in ERC grants?
All forms of research are supported provided that the envisaged project addresses important scientific challenges, is ambitious and goes beyond the state-of-the-art.
- How would you advise small companies with international clienteles to get into the world of funding, despite not being involved in the past with EU programs?
We would encourage small companies to get in touch with support services (such as National Contact Points) available for EU funding programmes in their country.
- How do you consider quality versus quantity of research articles (a.) during project? Case: 20 a. with low IF, or 2-4 very high IF and rest (up to 10) low IF a.
The Panel Members are explicitly instructed not to evaluate researchers based on the Impact Factor of their publications. For more information on the ERC's approach to research assessment see 'Evaluation of research proposals: the why and what of the ERC's recent changes'.
- Are former JRC researchers eligible to apply to ERC grants?
All researchers/Host Institutions fulfilling the eligibility requirements can apply.
- In the case of Starting and Consolidator Grants, does the research team have to be identified by name? Or is the job description enough?
No, the research team does not necessarily have to be identified by name. Applicants can outline plans for the envisaged roles and state that they will be hiring for certain roles.
- How detailed proposal should be based on materials planned?
All budget items should be realistic and sufficiently outlined for the panel to judge their necessity for the proposed project.
- These extensions do not account for all careers. Should we simply consider a ERC someone who never had a "large grant" and then count years from there?
Eligibility windows and their extensions are designed to provide a similar 'level playing field' while taking different situations into account. Counting years from a first ERC grant could only apply to successful grantees and cannot be a parameter for first comers anyhow.
- For the Advanced Grant, what is the maximum commitment time for the PI?
The ERC has set a minimum percentage of working time spent on the project (30%) and a minimum time spent in an EU Member State or Associated Country (50%) for the Advanced Grant; however, the Principal Investigator is free to dedicate up to 100% of their time to the project/geographical location. In practical terms, 215 fixed annual days (full-time) is considered the maximum ceiling for the purposes of calculating working time (even if the Principal Investigator works longer hours).
- How does the PhD time requirement for an ERC Starting Grant count if the holder has two PhDs, let's say, one defended in 2021 and another in 2023?
The defence date of the first PhD will be the date used for establishing eligibility.
- When writing the budget justification, should a particular supplier (e.g. of a piece of equipment, of a specialised research consumable) be named or not?
It is not advisable to mention a specific supplier since the subsequent purchase (should the grant be awarded) will have to comply with the procurement rules of the Host Institution.
- Why is eligibility based on time after PhD, when PhD lengths vary dramatically across the EU and the rest of the world? Time from start of PhD would be fairer.
The award of a PhD signifies the successful completion of a process of research training.
- Do Synergy Grant PIs require to have already formally registered research groups at their organization at time of submission?
- Is there any sort of priority given to collaborative projects including public universities as team members or are they equally evaluated with the rest?
There is no priority given to collaborative projects or projects involving team members from academia. Starting, Consolidator, and Advanced Grants are, in principle, designed to have only one Host Institution/beneficiary, whereas Synergy Grants can have between up to four. Neither are intended to form collaborative consortia or networks.
- I am a medical doctor. Do I need to proof somehow that I worked in clinical training to extend the eligibility period?
Yes, an official document signed by the employer (usually a hospital) certifying start and end dates of the individual training period(s). Any document should mention the type of training. If the training was conducted part-time, this should be also stated. Please see further information on eligibility of medical degrees and extensions in the Information for Applicants.
- Does the research have to be based in Europe. Can it be in the Caribbean for instance, Jamaica?
It is expected that the research project will be implemented within the territory of the EU Member States (including its outermost regions in the Caribbean and elsewhere) or Associated Countries (except field work for the project). The only exception to this is if the Caribbean/Jamaican Host Institution is one of the Host Institutions in a Synergy Grant.
- How is the risk management in the proposal evaluated?
There are no specific requirements to provide a risk management strategy or similar, nor is the ability to manage risk an evaluation criterion; however, the panels must assess the feasibility of the project and in this regard having a risk management plan, where necessary, demonstrates that the applicant has considered all aspects of the proposed research.
- Can Canadian Research institutions apply?
Canada has recently become an Associated Country to Horizon Europe; however, it's association is largely limited to Pillar II of the Programme "Global Challenges and European Competitiveness", which does not cover ERC actions. Nevertheless, Canadian research institutions can apply as one of the Host Institutions in the Synergy Grant scheme.
- For publications is meant to be just the first name?
The references to publications must be complete and accurate, and the order of authors should appear as it appears in the original publication.
- Was there an increase of the budget for Advanced Grant 2024, regarding new Associated Countries, like the one in Starting Grant?
The Advanced Grant 2024 budget increased by approximately 22% whereas the Starting Grant 2024 budget increased by around 30%.