Biodiversity is essential for preserving the health and stability of ecosystems, fostering a delicate ecological balance that ensures nature's ability to provide essential resources such as food, clean air, water, energy, and raw materials. Beyond these critical functions, biodiversity plays a key role in climate regulation and fortifying resilience against environmental changes. Within the European Union, the enduring impact of human activities over centuries has led to a rapid decline in biodiversity.
This report offers a comprehensive overview of curiosity-driven research on biodiversity, supported by the European Research Council. It sheds light on the connections between this research and EU policies designed to safeguard and restore biodiversity and ecosystems.
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The projects highlighted in this report, more than 230, were chosen for their potential to contribute valuable insights and shape biodiversity policy. Some projects were specifically included for their direct impact on biodiversity policy outcomes. The funding for this extensive portfolio amounts to a substantial 469 million euros from the EU's Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP7, 2007-2013) or Horizon 2020 (H2020, 2014-2020).
Aligned with the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, over 80% of these projects are linked to its pillars and actions. Notably, there is a strong emphasis on ecosystem restoration, with nearly 140 projects dedicated to pillar two. Among the ecosystems covered, forests take the forefront in the ERC biodiversity portfolio, exploring their global dynamics and relationship with climate change. Following closely are studies on agroecosystems and marine ecosystems.
The report not only showcases ongoing projects but also highlights outcomes, ranging from innovative models and databases to practical tools, scientific insights, and policy recommendations. A subset of these projects has also played a crucial role in shaping evidence cited in three reports of the last Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) assessment cycle, emphasising the impactful contributions of ERC-funded research on biodiversity.
In December 2024, building on these impactful contributions, the ERC collaborated with RTD and REA to produce a joint flyer ahead of the IPBES plenary in Namibia and the launch of the NEXUS report. This report examines the interlinkages among the sustainable development goals related to food and water security, health for all, protecting biodiversity on land and in the oceans, and combating climate change. The flyer highlights EU-funded research, including ERC frontier research, addressing these critical intersections and showcasing how such work informs integrated approaches to tackling global challenges.
Mapping ERC Frontier Research | How does ERC-funded research contribute to the protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems?