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Showing results 1 - 7 of 7
  • EU map

    How does the ERC help unlock the potential of countries that lag behind?

    The European Research Council (ERC) is taking several measures to increase participation in its grant...

    Widening European Participation
  • Alice Valkárová

    Why do some countries face problems obtaining ERC grants?

    A Q&A session with Professor Alice Valkárová, Chair of the ERC Working Group on Widening European...

    Widening European Participation
  • Jacek Kuźnicki

    Equal rights, unequal chances

    Jacek Kuźnicki, biochemist and former President of the scientific council of the Polish National Science...

    Widening European Participation
  • Matej Praprotnik and Jasenka Gudelj

    Researchers’ experiences with the ERC Visiting Fellowships

    Physicist Matej Praprotnik from Slovenia and architectural historian Jasenka Gudelj from Croatia share their...

    Widening European Participation
  • Brussels to Bucharest - The ERC goes to Romania

    On 11 June, an ERC delegation hit the road. Direction: Bucharest, Romania. Their final destination was the...

    Widening European Participation
  • Cover image of Research centres - UPB Romania's funding successes

    Research centres - UPB Romania's funding successes

    Romania has recently started its 6 month presidency of the Council of the EU. We take this opportunity to...

    Widening European Participation
  • Cover image of Finanțarea centrelor de cercetare – noul succes al Universității Politehnica din București (UPB)

    Finanțarea centrelor de cercetare – noul succes al Universității Politehnica din București (UPB)

    România a preluat de curând președinția rotativă a Consiliului Uniunii Europene. În acest context am...

    Widening European Participation