Gender and Diversity

The ERC’s mission is to support excellent frontier researchers across Europe, whilst valuing gender and diversity in all forms. Each process within the ERC - from raising awareness about the ERC to signing grant agreements - is designed to give equal opportunities to ERC applicants in an inclusive manner.

Working Group on Gender and Diversity

In 2008, the ERC set up a dedicated working group to monitor gender diversity. In 2021, their remit was extended to cover all aspects of diversity, in line with Article 21 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. 

ERC Gender Equality Plan

The ERC Gender Equality Plan was first approved by the Scientific Council and published in 2007 and updated in 2014 and 2021. It’s objectives are:

  • raising awareness about the ERC gender policy among potential applicants;
  • working towards improving gender balance among ERC candidates and within ERC-funded research teams;
  • identifying and removing any potential gender bias in the ERC evaluation procedures;
  • embedding gender awareness within all levels of the ERC processes - while keeping focus on excellence;
  • striving for gender balance among the ERC peer reviewers and other relevant ERC bodies.

Gender and Diversity in Action

Given continued evidence of the disproportionate impact of having and raising children on women in the academy, the ERC automatically extends the period within which those who have taken maternity leave can apply for Starter and Consolidator Grants. All applicants can request extensions to reflect periods of leave or career interruptions.

Beneficiaries of ERC funding are required under the terms of the model grant agreement to promote diversity and gender equality.

Training on recognising and addressing bias is provided to all of those who sit on evaluation panels for the ERC. You can see the video they are provided with here:


The Working Group organises events:

2013: On the way to the top: providing equal opportunities for men and women in science and technology (see the final summary)

2020: Sex and gender dimension in frontier research

2023: Research on diversity and diversity in frontier research - conference


The working group comprises member of the Scientific Council of the ERC to whom it reports directly:

ERC Executive Agency secretariat: Severina Shopova