ERC publications


Showing results 50 to 60
  • Brochure
    Information day of the European Research Council (ERC) Speakers’ projects
    Città della Scienza Napoli/Naples - Italia/Italy
  • Projects
    A collection of ERC projects in Social Sciences and Humanities
    ERC-funded projects in the SSH are often led by multidisciplinary teams with strong links to other domains; they can range from archaeology, urban studies and linguistics to demography, the performing arts and law or economics. This collection of projects offers a taste of the breadth and depth of some research funded by the ERC in this field.
  • World water week
    World Water Week 2013 - All about water by ERC projects
    World Water Week 2013 - All about water by ERC projects
  • Cognitive psychology
    What does our brain say about our social nature?
    The ERC has put together this collection of ERC projects to give a taste of the breadth and depth of some of its funded research in cognitive psychology. You’ll read about: the acquisition of language in infants; the underlying mechanisms of reading; the way our brain computes numbers; the cognitive and neural substrate of social interactions or the influence of social context on our perception of the world.
  • Eastern Europe
    Spotlight on ERC projects in Central and Eastern Europe
    In this brochure, the ERC presents several examples of excellent research conducted in Central and Eastern Europe. The projects featured address various challenges: from discovering novel types of antibiotics, developing innovative biochips that detect diseases or new techniques for weather predictability, to decoding the attitudes of citizens towards public goods.
  • Human brain
    ERC projects to unlock mysteries of the human brain
    More than 200 research projects have been funded for a total budget of over € 250 million. About 15% of the projects funded in life sciences have a strong neuroscience component. Many of these projects address research and public health challenges and explore emerging areas in neurosciences. Questions addressed by some ERC projects deal for instance with memory and information coding in the brain, genesis and repair of the nervous system, empathy and emotion processes, cell and gene therapy for Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, computation models for manmachine interaction or retinal degeneration and blindness.
  • annual report 2012
    Annual Report on the ERC activities and achievements in 2012
    Annual Report on the ERC activities and achievements in 2012
  • Geosciences
    When Geosciences tells us more about planet Earth
    Many ERC projects in the Geosciences address key societal challenges. The projects presented in this brochure are investigating the role of organic aerosols in climate change and air pollution, the long-term management of forests in the preservation of the ecosystem, microscopic processes that govern the flow of magma in volcanic eruptions, the development of a new 3 dimensional model of the Earth’s mantle or the monitoring of the atmosphere through GPS for predicting tsunamis.
  • Gender
    Supporting Top Women in Frontier Research
    Supporting Top Women in Frontier Research
  • archeology
    Anthropology and Archaeology
    Many ERC-funded projects in this field address fundamental issues, such as the roots of food globalisation in prehistory, mobility of people and ideas during the Bronze Age, urban diversification in global cities across the years, the prediction of people’s response to water disasters, or the historical dimensions of herding practices in Europe.