ERC publications

Showing results 71 to 76 of 76
Annual report on the ERC activities and achievements in 2009
This report, prepared again this year under the authority of the ERC Scientific Council, sets out the ERC's activities and achievements in 2009. It will be disseminated widely to both the scientific community and other key stakeholders with the aim of building awareness and increasing the transparency of the ERC's strategy and operations.
annual report 2009
Annual report on the ERC activities and achievements in 2010
The European Research Council (ERC) marks a new approach to investing in frontier research in Europe. Funded through the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) as the implementation of the Ideas Specific Programme, the ERC aims at reinforcing excellence, dynamism and creativity in European research by funding investigator-driven projects of the highest quality at the frontiers of knowledge. This report, prepared again…
annual report 2010
EU Focus ERC Bringing Great Ideas to Life
The ERC story, Funding avant-garde science, In the hands of distinguished peers, Close-up on ERC calls and grantees, ERC strategic issues, ERC executive agency, The ERC in a nutshell, Contacts & events
Annual Report on the ERC activities and achievements in 2008
ERC: activities & achievements in 2008 Annual Report Prepared under the authority of the ERC Scientific Council
annual report 2008