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11 Apr 2024
The 2023 Advanced Grants will help 255 researchers from 19 EU member states and associated countries to set up their own teams and conduct research on the topics of their choice. To illustrate the variety of supported science, we selected six…
The 2023 Advanced Grants will help 255 researchers from 19 EU member states and associated countries to set up their own teams and conduct research on the topics of their choice. To…
The 2023 Advanced Grants will help 255 researchers from 19 EU member states and associated countries to set up their own teams and conduct research…
The 2023 Advanced Grants will help 255 researchers from 19 EU member states and associated countries to set up their own teams and conduct research on the topics of their…
The 2023 Advanced Grants will help 255 researchers from 19 EU member states and associated countries to set up their own…
11 Apr 2024
The European Research Council (ERC) has announced the names of 255 outstanding research leaders in Europe set to be awarded ERC Advanced Grants. The funding is amongst the EU’s most prestigious and competitive, providing leading senior researchers…
The European Research Council (ERC) has announced the names of 255 outstanding research leaders in Europe set to be awarded ERC Advanced Grants. The funding is amongst the EU’s most…
The European Research Council (ERC) has announced the names of 255 outstanding research leaders in Europe set to be awarded ERC Advanced Grants. The…
The European Research Council (ERC) has announced the names of 255 outstanding research leaders in Europe set to be awarded ERC Advanced Grants. The funding is amongst the EU…
The European Research Council (ERC) has announced the names of 255 outstanding research leaders in Europe set to be awarded…
26 Mar 2024
The rapid expansion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionised both scientific inquiry and everyday life, permeating numerous sectors with its diverse applications. From enhancing healthcare to optimising transportation systems, AI's widespread presence elicits a range of reactions, from fascination with its capabilities to concerns about its societal impacts.In response to this…
The rapid expansion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionised both scientific inquiry and everyday life, permeating numerous sectors with its diverse applications. From…
The rapid expansion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionised both scientific inquiry and everyday life, permeating numerous sectors with…
The rapid expansion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionised both scientific inquiry and everyday life, permeating numerous sectors with its diverse applications…
The rapid expansion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionised both scientific inquiry and everyday life, permeating…
Mapping ERC frontier research artificial intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
A new report published by the ERC highlights findings from an analysis of 1,048 ERC-funded projects. The supported research encompasses a wide range of activities, including the development of AI technology and systems, their application in various domains, and research into their societal impacts.