ERC Annual Conference 2023: Research on diversity
28 November 2023
8.30 - 18.00 CET
Covent Garden, Place Rogier 16, Brussels (25th floor) + Online
European Research Council
Research on Diversity & Diversity in Frontier Research

The conference will showcase ERC-funded frontier research projects that both study diversity in society and that exemplify the importance of taking diversity into account in research design. (PDF)



8.30 – 9.00 | Registration

9.00 – 9.15 |  Opening address by European Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli

9.15 – 9.25 | Introduction by Maria Leptin, ERC President

9.25 – 10.20 | Keynote: The Female Turn: How Evolutionary Science Shifted Perceptions About Females

10.20 – 10.40 | Coffee break 

10.40 – 12.10 | Session I: Diversity in Health Research


  • Geneviève Almouzni, ERC Scientific Council Member, Chair of the Gender & Diversity Issues Working Group



  • Social inequalities in health: an intersectional approach, Pierre-Yves Geoffard, CNRS, FR (PDF)
  • Molecular insights in “real-life” immunology, Maria Yazdanbakhsh, Leiden University, NL (PDF)
  • Hypertension in African migrants: Lessons learnt from the RODAM study, Charles Agyemang, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, NL (PDF)
  • ECAP: Genetic/epigenetic basis of ethnic differences in cancer predisposition, Gian-Paolo Dotto, University of Lausanne (UNIL) ,CH, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), CH, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University, US (PDF)

12.10 - 13.10 | Lunch

13.10 – 14.40 | Session 2: Diversity from a Technological and Legal Perspective




14.40 – 15.10 | Coffee break

15.10 – 16.40 | Session 3: Perceptions of Diversity



  • Lino Paula, Head of Unit Social Sciences and Humanities, ERCEA


  • Tracing Queer Citizenship over Time: older LGBTI+ lived experiences in Southern Europe, Ana Cristina Santos, University of Coimbra, PT (PDF)
  • NEUROEPIGENETHICS: investigating neurodiversity in a neuromixed research group, Kristien Hens, University of Antwerp, BE (PDF
  • CEC - The Cognitive-Ecological Challenge of Diversity, Hans Alves, University of Bochum, DE (PDF)
  • Coexistence and conflict in the age of complexity, Eeva Puumala, Tampere University, FI (PDF)

16.40 – 17.45 | Session 4: Roundtable: The Importance of Diversity in Research



  • Joanna Drake, Deputy Director-General for Research & Innovation, European Commission
  • Semiha Denktaş, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, NL
  • Emilia Gómez, Joint Research Centre (European Commission) & Pompeu Fabra University, ES
  • Gian-Paolo Dotto, University of Lausanne (UNIL), CH, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), CH, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University, US
  • Ana Cristina Santos, University of Coimbra, PT

17.45 – 18.00 | Concluding remarks

Speaker’s bios
Professor of Global Migration, Ethnicity and Health, Amsterdam University Medical Centres, NL
Professor of Social Cognition, Ruhr University Bochum, DE
Head of the Life Sciences Unit, European Research Council Executive Agency
Director of the Laboratory of Skin Aging and Cancer Prevention Dermatology Department, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, USA
Deputy Director-General of the European Commission's Directorate-General (DG) for Research and Innovation (DG RTD)
Professor, Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA), AT
Head of the Physical Sciences and Engineering Unit within the Scientific Department, European Research Council
Head of Unit Social Sciences and Humanities at the scientific department of the European Research Council Executive Agency (ERCEA)